Annual Dean's Report

The Eller Way

Eller College's Annual Report

As a member at the Eller College community, you embrace a long and sustained culture of excellence.

Our college is nationally recognized, and your contribution is critical to our continued elevation. Our standards are high and call you to:

  • Do the right thing 100 percent of the time: INTEGRITY
  • Consistently surpass ordinary standards: EXCELLENCE
  • Create a community where everybody thrives: INCLUSION
  • Creatively anticipate and leverage change: INNOVATION 
  • See challenges as opportunities: DETERMINATION

This is The Eller Way

Girl Standing on walkway

More than a business school, Eller is a catalyst.

Here, students gain the skills and experience to thrive—professionally and personally, locally and globally—in any career they set their sights on.

View our Annual report in PDF format

The Eller Way  |  Create a community where everybody thrives: INCLUSION


The Eller College of Management is genuinely committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at our organization. This is part of the Eller Ideal: Inclusion | Diversity | Accessibility | Leadership

While working with students, staff, faculty, alumni, industry experts, and peer institutions, we aim to heighten DEI at Eller by not just following trends but commit to being thought leaders.

Recent Accomplishments:

  • Coordinated trainings on QPR Gatekeeper which is for suicide prevention
  • Awarded Eller Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awards to Alfredo Cuestas’23 BSBA (Accounting), EK Green ’23 PhD (Economics), Briana Fulp, Career Coach & Undergraduate Diversity Coordinator, and Katie Maxwell, Associate Director of Dhaliwal-Reidy School of Accountancy
  • Created “The IDEAList” Newsletter in July 2022
  • Updated the Eller website adding the Diversity Dashboard, Reporting Options, and McClelland Hall Accommodations

At Eller, we use the AIIM framework:

(A) Augment Awareness by conducting surveys and exit interviews, gather data, present DEI information at Eller meetings

(I) Increase Understanding of the Underlying (root) Causes by analyzing the data, define issues to be addressed, and examine root causes of the issues

(I) Implement a Strategy for Change through a new DEI committee, increase curricular offerings that integrate DEI knowledge, schedule DEI related training sessions, increase the diversity of search committees

(M) Measure and hold Accountable by instituting methods to collect data that informs and ties DEI efforts to performance evaluations

 Learn more about Eller's DEI Efforts Here

Investing in the Future of Eller

The Eller Way  |  Creatively anticipate and leverage change: INNOVATION

pie chart of investments

Eller College National Board of Advisors Members

The Eller Way  |  Do the right thing 100 percent of the time: INTEGRITY

Meet the National Board of Advisors

Thank You to Our Donors

Nothing we've accomplished would have been possible without tremendous support from donors like you.


Jessica Allsup
Mark Allsup
Lisa Marie Eckert
Robert Eckert
Ann Grissom
Douglas Grissom

Philip Hagenah
Susan Hagenah
Angela Knauf
Noah Knauf
Czarina Lopez
Humberto Lopez

Kristina Lundgren
Terry Lundgren
Celia McClelland
Kent McClelland
Jeffrey McKeever
Tahnia McKeever

Tarah McKeever
Gail Stoner
Mike Stoner
Charles Tyler
Kerry Tyler

Every effort has been made to accurately acknowledge those individuals, corporations and foundations who have so generously supported the Eller College of Management during fiscal year July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. If you have concerns, contact the Eller Development Office 520-621-0053. We thank you again for your generosity.


Janet Corson
Rodney Corson
Hsinchun Chen
Hsiao-Hui Chow
Gary Chiate

Peggy Chiate
Barbara Dawson
Clyde Dawson
Joseph Dondero
Anne Dupont

Laurie Fusco
Thomas Fusco
Alison Levine
Carol McGuire
Christopher McGuire

Keith Renken
John Switzer
Johnna Switzer
Richard Turigliatto
Deborah Arnold
Walter Zipperman

Every effort has been made to accurately acknowledge those individuals, corporations, and foundations who have generously supported the Eller College of Management during the fiscal year July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. If you have concerns, contact the Eller Development Office 520-621-0053. We thank you again for your generosity.


Whitney Abrams
Deborah Abrutz
Joseph Abrutz
Andrew Acedo
Christopher Ackerley
Diana Ackerley
Florence Adamson
Larry Adamson
Jessica Adani
Rodney Alday
Chad Allen
Susan Allen
Todd Allen
William Allen
Cooper Alofs
Heather Altman
Jeffrey Altman
Ebitie Amughan
Mimi An
Lynda Applegate
Ruben Dario Araiza
Tina Arcentales
Gregory Archibald
Marie Archibald
Kristen Arendt
Timothy Arendt
Michael Arko
Nichole Arko
Bhupesh Arora
Ruth Arroyo-Poblano
Jacalyn Askin
Ronald Askin
Moe Asnani
Paul Atkinson
Dorothy Aukeman
Jano Avanessian
Rene Avanessian
Bindu Ayyappan
Elizabeth Azan
David Baggs
Leigh Baggs
Colleen Bagnall Perra
Katelyn Bailey
Matthew Bailey
Nick Bajema
Tessa Bajema
Elsa Baker
Christopher Baldwin
Lori Baldwin
Nancy Baldwin
Shawn Ballard
Kelly Balogh
Roger Bamberger
Christopher Barajas
Cynthia Barber
Anthony Barbieri
Kasey Barghout
Craig Barker
Katelyn Barker
Michele Barnes
Kim Barnfield
Matthew Barnfield
Deborah Barrie
Michael Barrie
Klarissa Barriga
Paula Bartholomew
Warren Bartholomew
Suzanne Bartlett
Jeffrey Bast
Barbara Baume
Ernest Baume
Daniel Baur
M. Susan Baur
Paige Bausman
Christopher Beadles
Bradford Beake
Julie Beake
Jason Beberniss
Allyson Beckham
David Beckham
Travis Beeman
Cheryl Bell
Barbara Bendalin
Marshall Bendalin
Edward Bennett
Chris Benson
Joelle Benson
Roseanne Bent
Rosemary Berg
Eleanor Bergquist
Leif Bergquist
Phyllis Bering
Aimee Bernstein
David Bernstein
Kellie Bernstein
Noah Bernstein
Steve Bernstein
Hannah Besedin
Laura Bianchi Eikenmeyer
Chandler Birch
Judy Black
Kevin Black
Helene Blumner
Sidney Blumner
Timothy Boda
Sarah Boerner
Jaden Boling
Douglas Bollermann
Laura Bollermann
Judith Bologna
Rafael Bologna
Scott Bonar
Timothy Boncoskey
Janis Bottai
Joan Bouwes
Nicholaas Bouwes
Leonard Bower
Marcia Bower
Sara Boyd
Christopher Bozorth
Gary Bradshaw
Wendiann Bradshaw
David Brady
Megan Brady
Alan Bramoweth
Ellen Bramoweth
Martha Braun
Stephen Braun
Makoto Braxton
Tamarra Breiner
Tate Breyer
Carolyn Bried
Stephen Bried
Teresa Briggs
Scott Brittenham
Russell Brody
Arthur Brooks
Rebecca Brooks
Anita Brown
Jane Brown
Kevin Brown
Kristina Brown
Marvin Brown
Susan Brown
James Brushwood
Kaylan Brushwood
Tanner Bryson
Steven Bucchianeri
Jennifer Budwig
Mac Burford
Dorothy Burgess
Richard Burgess
Stacie Burke
Kevin Burnett
Lois Burnett
David Burnham
Kristin Buser
Alexander Bussoletti
Catherine Butler
Robert Butler
Ronald Butler
David Byrd
Jacqueline Byrd
Robert Cahalan
Lisa Calkins
Ryan Calkins
Todd Camenisch
Aaron Cannon
Alec Carbine
Joseph Carella Francis
Eric Carlson
Matthew Carr
Lauren Cashdan
Tal Caspi
Mary Cavanaugh
William Cavanaugh
Gina Ceola
Kristina Cervone
Richard Cervone
Paige Chapman
Surbhi Chaturvedi
Shannon Chen
Shuyuan Chen
Benjamin Cherdak
Kathleen Chester
Brian Christensen
Donna Christensen
Tracy Christman
Harry Christopher
Toni Christopher
Christine Churchill
Ryan Churchill
James Chyz
Somer Chyz
Robert Clarke
Jia Coffou
Jeffrey Coghill
David Cohen
Samuel Cole
Robert Coleman
Susan Collett
Tracy Collett
Lara Compton
Timothy Compton
Claudine Conover
Duane Conover
Denise Cooper
Carol Copeland
Lindsay Copeland
Jeffrey Cosper
Olivia Cosper
Maxine Costanza
Michael Coumides
Joseph Crawford
Luis Cuellar
Alfredo Cuestas
Zac Cureton
Jeffrey Currier
Marissa Currier
Juan Dahdah
Jennifer Dahlgren
Michael Daly
Nicollette Daly
David Damron
Kelly Damron
Michael Danies
Blake Davis
Craig Davis
Emma Davis
Toni Davis
Tracey Davis
Michelle Dawn
Salma De Los Rios
Jean De Simone
Joseph De Simone
Carol Dedrich
Alyse Dehn
John Dehn
Ashley Dembowski
Joel Dembowski
Amy Dempsey
William Dempsey
Valerie Derryberry
Olivia deStefano
Andrea DeVany
Jeffrey DeVany
Owen Devlin
Sandra Devlin
Amarjeet Dhaliwal
Janice Diamond
Deo Diaz
Sarah Diaz
Ernesto Diaz-Brown Ramsburgh
Erika Dickey
Russ Dickey
Charles Dickinson
Christina Dickinson
D. Joseph Dickinson
Mariel Dickinson
Regan Dolezal
Debbie Donahue
Hugh Donahue
Kathleen D'Onofrio
Vincent D'Onofrio
Frederick Dooley
Jennifer Dooley
Melanie Douglas
Robert Douglas
Brian Dowdy
John Drachman
Laura Drachman
Katharine Drake
Adrienne Dueck
Kevin Dueck
Graeme Duffill
Vicky Duffill
Allison Duffy
Clarke Duncan
Sherry Duncan
Thomas Duncan
Allison Dunn
Matthew Dunn
Crystal Dykes
Kelly Eatman
Derek Ebel
Laurie Eccard-Ellerman
Charles Eggers
Robert Ehrenreich
David Eikenmeyer
Lucy Eldridge
Mark Eldridge
Brian Ellerman
Beverely Elliott
Robert Elliott
Dylan Elsasser
Patricia Engels
Amy England
Andy England
Barbara Ericks
Matthew Erickson
Merle Erickson
Michelle Erickson
Palmer Evans
R. Scott Evans

Sara Evans
Helen Evers
Ellen Fagin
Nicole Fagin
Robert Fagin
Ilona Fague
Joseph Fague
Francis Fahey
Christine Fapp
Daniel Fapp
Pamela Fapp
Karen Farrell
Patrick Farrell
Kailey Fatheree
Hayley Feldman
Marc Feldman
Darlene Felix
William Felix
Andrew Feng
Irene Fernandez
Ruben Fernandez
Cynthia Fielding-Singh
Michael Figueroa
Cassandra Filippone
Mark Finelli
Aaron Finley
Andrew Finley
Troy Finley
Ashley Fischer
Jared Fischer
Price Fishback
Craig Fleischer
Vicki Fleischer
Thomas Flynn
Elyse Flynn Meyer
Jennine Follett
Karen Ford
Tom Ford
Maureen Foresman
Michael Foresman
Jaclyn Forney
Mitchel Forney
Sorale Fortman
Joseph Fortunato
Danielle Fowle
Michael Fowle
Bradley Fox
Robin Fox
James Fragala
Alan Frankle
Patricia Frankle
Melinda Friedman
Michele Frumkin
Jeff Fuld
Jason Fuller
Stephen Fung
Mark Fusler
Catherine Gallagher
Jake Gallagher
Krista Galyen
Cynthia Garcia
Edlin Garcia
Johanna Garcia
Justin Garcia
Zachary Garcia
Carol Gebhart
L. Robert Gebhart
Loren Geesey
Susan Geesey
Amy Geile
Gregory Geile
Laury Gelardi
Robert Gelardi
Burton Genda
Brian Gentile
Sarah Gentile
Christopher George
Elizabeth George
Louis George
Peter Georgis
Sally Gestautas
Diane Gill
Grant Gill
Erin Glockner
Bryan Gmyrek
Gabrielle Gmyrek
Dan Goar
Paulo Goes
Lindsay Goldman
Nathan Goldman
Richard Goldman
Terri Goldman
Kathy Golz
Robert Golz
Isidro Gonzalez
Mario Gonzalez
Jennifer Goode
Elisabeth Gotsdiner
Glenn Grabski
Eugene Graham
Audrey Gramling
Jose Granda
David Gray
Kay Gray
Matthew Greenlund
Amy Greger
Melanie Gribbin
Robert Gribbin
George Grisaffe
Mary Grisaffe
Donald Grissom
Ronald Grodsky
Susan Grodsky
Adam Grodzki
Barry Grossman
Elise Grossnickle
Kenneth Grossnickle
Qingyun Guan
Eric Gumbs
Sharon Gumbs
Abhilash Annasaheb Halappanavar
Edwin Hale
Sally Hale
Michael Hallett
John Hambacher
Nancy Hambacher
James Hamel
Suzanne Hamel
John Hamilton
Kathleen Hamilton
Norma Hamilton
Richard Hamilton
Alan Hanaoka
Myrna Hanaoka
Luke Handley
Ann Harder
Michael Harder
Andy Harper
Gary Harper
Sandra Harrington
Sondra Harrington
Chris Harris
Peter Harrison Jr
Bruce Hartman
Katharine Hartman
Gary Harwin
Lucinda Harwin
Lynn Hausch
Ronald Hausch
Evi Haux
Jeffrey Haux
Kenneth Haydis
Kristine Haye
Susan Hazan
Kenneth Heck
Angela Heitzman
Shane Heitzman
Nancy Heller
David Henrich
Marjorie Henrich
Jean Herber
Bruce Herdrich
Patricia Herdrich
Dylia Hernández
Imanol Herrera
Paul Herrera
Julie Hershfield
Andrew Hertzfeld
Karen Hertzfeld
Byrom Hess
Rena Hess
Max Hewitt
Ann Hickey
Thomas Hickey
Stan Hilkemeyer
Susie Hilkemeyer
Steven Hilton
Suzanne Hilton
Deborrah Himsel
Lin Hines
Howard Hinson
Bradley Hintz
Cherlyn Hintz
John Hodge
Robert Hogan
Charlie Hong
Thomas Hood
Marla Hoyle
Natalie Huffman
Nicholas Huffman
Sharon Huie
Lynn Humphreys
Edith Hund
James Hunter
Janette Hunter
Brian Huston
Gregory Hutchison
Nicholas Incrocci
Ian Ingram
Tamara Ingram
Nicholas Intintoli
Patricia Jackson
Richard Jackson
Ankur Jain
Meenu Jain
Taylor James
Ryan Jarkowski
Spencer Jarvis
Shrikant Jategaonkar
Jay Jennings
Christopher Jimenez
Jong Jo
Kuk Jo
Petra Jobst
Mitchell Joffe
Vicki Joffe
Bradley Johns
Jacqueline Johns
Anne Johnson
Everett Johnson
Janee Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Russell Johnson
Elizabeth Jones
Ivan Jones
Pamela Jorden
Brittany Kagele
Jacob Kagele
Karthik Kannan
Steven Karbal
Stuart Kasdin
Sue-Ann Kasdin
Jihong Kassity
Allison Kaufman
Jason Kaufman
Kristi Kawamoto
Joseph Kearney
Jenni Keatseangsilp
Carla Keegan
Donald Keller
Kathryn Keller
Richard Keller
RoseAnn Keller
Jamie Kelley
William Kelley
Suzanne Kempton
Tim Kempton
Arthur Kerckhoff
Patrick Kern
Aamir Khan
Mehreen Khan
Meron Kidane
Riem Kidane
David Kiel
Sheri Kiel
Hyo Jung Kim
Diane King
Jeffrey King
Susan King
Matina Kleiner
Matthew Kleiner
William Koenig
Kriste Kolasa
Wiran Korala
Hamid Koroma
Anastasia Kotsakis
Melissa Krach
Kevin Krause
Nichole Krause
Cole Kritkausky
K. Andrew Kroese
Dennis Kuhl
Hareesh Kumar
Colleen LaMantia
Thomas Lamantia
William Lamb
Monica Lane
Peter Lane
Linda Langer
William Langer
Morgan Larson
Jacob Lassiter
Joseph Latona
Mary Ann Laubacher
Adam Ledford
Julie Ledford
Hye Lee
James Lee
Marie Lee
Cheryl Legan
Isaac Leifeld
Alan Leiwant
Anthony Leone
Sara Leone
Mike Levine
Marion Levy
Martin Levy
Stephen Lew
Eric Lewis
Nathaniel Lewis
Nicole Lewis
Yiming Li
Wayne Liao
Chienting Lin
Xi Lin

David Link
Lance Linn
Penelope Litten
Michael Lomakema
Joseph Lombardo
Edward Long
Hillary Long
Anthony Lonigro
Mary Lonigro
Valerie Lovio
Alan Lowy
Sean Lulejian
Rebecca Lundberg
Troy Lundberg
Cathy Lundeberg
David Lundeberg
Kristina Lundgren
Barbara Lundquist
Marcus Lundquist
Virginia Lusch
Eric Lyons
Samuel Macaluso
William MacKay
Anne Mackie
Armando Mada
Deborah Maddox
John Maddox
Atsuko Magick
Brad Magick
Thomas Mahler
Eric Majchrzak
Joshua Makhoul
Brian Maki
Mariah Maki
Debra Manley
Diane Martin
Charles Martindill
Adriana Martinez
Etelvina Martinez
Ramon Martinez
Sonimar Martinez
Matthew Masters
Bret Mathyer
Lucy Matson
Elena Matthews
Michael Matthews
Mark Mattis
Edward Maxwell
Katie Maxwell
Karen Mayer
Paul Mayfield
Susan Mayfield
Emily McCarthy
James McCarthy
Donna McClary
Nancy McClure
Robert McCollister
Virginia McCoy
Diana McCutchen
Matthew McCutchen
Patrick McDonald
Paul McDonald
Sidney McDuff
Nathan McFall
Scott McFetters
Ann McGrath
Raymond McGrath
Becky McHolland
Kevin McHolland
Raymond Mcintyre
Donna McKee
Ronald McKee
Peggy McKennon
Robert McKennon
Philip Mckenzie
Tracy McKenzie
Deborah McLaughlin
James McLaughlin
Carole McLean
James McLean
Kody McPherson
Wayne McPherson
Cindy McVerry
Gary Mech
Michele Mech
Jarrett Medina
Richard Medland
Nancy Meech
Jaydlen Melendez
Paul Melendez
Adriana Melkonyan
German Mendoza
Ruth Ann Mendoza
Rajesh Menon
Dale Mentze
Alexis Messinger
Michael Messinger
Lyell Metcalf
Sandra Metcalf
Jason Meyerhoeffer
Marisa Michaels
Bridget Michelsen
Doug Michelsen
Hayley Miller
Matthew Miller
Richard Millington
Tawna Millington
Allison Minarcik
James Mincks
Shelley Mincks
Julian Mintzis
Medwin Mintzis
Sylvia Mioduski
Fabio Mire
Elizabeth Mittelstaedt
Reed Mittelstaedt
Jane Moen
Kennon Moen
Matthew Mokwa
Scott Molos
David Monheit
Melissa Monheit
Miguel Montiel
Yvonne Montiel
Kathleen Moore
Steven Moore
Andrew More
Eugene Moreno
Dorothy Moses
John Mosquera
Leonard Mott
Nancy Mott
Elizabeth Motter
Deborah Moynihan
Michael Moynihan
Andriele Muller
Patricia Murer
Francis Murphy
Katherine Murphy
Mary Ann Murray
Cody Myers
Michelle Myers
Mike Myers
Adam Nach
Kiana Nakamura
Alexis Nasser
Francisco Nasser
Bari Nejadpour
Elle Nejadpour
Bruce Nelson
Ellen Nelson
Kim Nelson
Janet Neuenschwander
Paul Neuenschwander
Jamie Newell
Margaret Newell
Tan Nguyen
Nancy Nichols
Jean-Luc Nikiema
Beth Nolan
Gregory Nolan
Sheila North
Cynthia Norton
Cheryl Novalis-Marine
M. Long Nygaard
David Oase
Emily Oceretko
Andrea O'Connor
Charles O'Connor
Janet O'Hare
John O'Hare
Chad Ohrt
Cynthia Ohrt
Yewande Olabumuyi
Cory Older
Danielle Older
Kenneth Olson
Timothy Olson
Cameron Omoto
Christina Orosco
Joshua Orosco
Dominic Ortega
Theresa Ortez
Timothy Ortez
John Otto
Karen Otto
Gabriela Pacheco
O. Tyler Page
Katherine Palmer
Steven Palmer
Dante Paluselli
Eileen Paluselli
Surya Pandruvada
Brent Papek
Harry Parks
Leila Parmee
David Parmenter
Marianne Parmenter
Treena Parvello
Amy Patel
Devesh Patel
Leigh Pattalochi
Joshua Paul
Annelise Paulsen
Kelly Payne
Judith Peecook
Paul Peecook
Yujia Peng
Beatriz Perez
William Perius
Amanda Perkins
Marie-Claire Péron
Jon Perra
Garth Perry
Pamela Perry
Chuck Pettis
Premakumari Phanindra
Vinay Phanindra
Laurel Phillips
Randy Phillips
Kristen Pierson
Nick Pierson
Stacy Pifer
Samantha Pineda
Diana Pins
Philip Pins
Christy Piti
Michael Piti
Amy Pitman
Brian Pittluck
Robyn Pittluck
Danielle Platis
Richard Platis
David Platt
Michelle Platt
Shane Platt
Gloria Pluta
Robert Pluta
Candy Poels
James Pohl
Ruth Ann Pollyea
Steven Pollyea
Holly Polston
Scott Polston
Miles Potter
Jesus Preciado
Angel Hsu Prentiss
Wayne Prentiss
Graven Prest
Julia Preston-Olson
Morgan Prettyman
Lee Price
Jeremy Prinsen
Dana Pruchno
William Pruchno
Justin Quen
Ken Quintana
Brigid Ragland
John Ragland
Margaret Raihl
Rafael Rascon
Ricardo Rascon
Arrion Rathsack
Ben Rathsack
Alexandra Ratzan
John Ratzan
David Rau
Brianna Reams
Fred Reddel
Janet Reddel
Cheryl Redfern
Kenneth Redfern
Gene Reetz
Pauline Reetz
Art Reichert
Virginia Reidy
Michael Reilly
Justin Replogle
Barbara Reuter
David Reuter
Jill Rhiner
Joel Rhiner
Lynne Rice
Richard Rice
Kep Rich
Gary Richards
Evan Richardson
Rebecca Richmond
Douglas Riedeman
Donald Riegger
Mallory Riegger
Allen Rivera
Laura Robbins
Lawrence Robbins
Stephen Robbins
Patricia Roberts
Roswell Roberts
Patricia Robinson
Richard Rochelle
Todd Rockoff
William Rodes
Aaron Roeschley
Julia Rogan
Kent Rollins
Margaret Rollins

Melissa Rose
Erika Rosenstein
Michael Rosenstein
Bari Ross
Jack Ross
Mark Ross
Melanie Ross
Robert Ross
Evan Rotunno
Sharon Rues
Lisa Rulney
Ross Rulney
Shelly Rustagi
Patricia Sable
Ronald Sable
Sandra Sagehorn-Elliott
Leah Sakas
Zachary Sakas
Mara Salles
Nancy Salter
Peter Salter
Sagar Samtani
Robert Samuelsen
Ronald Sanchez
Catherine Sang
Cristobal Santa Cruz
Paula Santa Cruz
Albert Santana
Wendy Sanuik
Elena Sanwick
Jeffrey Sanwick
Michael Sapp
Patricia Sapp
Brad Sarnoff
Lesley Sarnoff
Maciej Sarnowicz
Ashley Sauciuc
Vlad Sauciuc
Vikram Savani
Carol Schackman
Darren Schackman
Samuel Scherer
Dean Schmidt
Jennifer Schmidt
Anne Schnaubelt
Brett Schneider
Carmela Schneider
Henry Schneider
Jacqueline Schneider
Margaret Schneider
Michael Schneider
Desiree Schnirch
Frank Schoonover
Natalie Scibilia
Donald Seeley
Brian Seipert
Michael Seroukhov
Darlene Seufert
Neil Seufert
Patrick Shanovich
Stella Shanovich
Alexandria Shinn
Ryan Shively
Nan Shoeib
Kenneth Siegel
Kristalyn Siegel
Linda Silkes
Claire Sill
George Sims
Arvind Singh
Basel Skeif
Michael Skibo
Elizabeth Skirven
James Skirven
Pamela Slaten
Jerel Slaughter
Michelle Slentz
Sean Slentz
Alexandria Sloan
Lauren Sloan
Annamarie Smith
Brad Smith
Bradley Smith
Jason Smith
Kristen Smith
Lena Smith
Millard Smith
Ray Smith
Raymond Smith
Susan Smith
Eric Snelz
Gerald Snyder
Thomas Sonnleitner
Alan Speert
Marilyn Speert
Leslie Spelts
Trevor Spelts
Kelsey Spies Evans
Stacey Spink
Naomi Spitzer
Stephen Spitzer
Eric Splaver
Jennifer Splaver
Adam Stafford
Kari Stafford
Kathryn Starling
Terry Staten
Desiree Steele-Zinger
Melissa Stein
Mark Stephens
Michele Stephens
Gayla Stewart
Jack Stewart
Leah Stiegel
Alison Stine
Billy Stine
Junna Stockwell
Kevin Stombaugh
Teresa Stombaugh
Beatrice Stone
Gregory Stone
Eugene Stout
John Stransky
Pamela Stransky
Breanna Stussie
Robert Stussie
Om Subedi
Brantley Sudderth
Jeanne Sudderth
Natalie Suhy
Tom Suhy
Louri Sullivan
Nichalin Summerfield
Slade Sumners
Terry Sundeen
Thomas Sundeen
Jayanthi Sunder
Shyam Sunder
Laura Suriano
Michael Suriano
Cheryl Sweigard
Douglas Sweigard
Charles Swenson
Hector Swidzinski
Matthew Swinford
Joseph Swisher
Grayson Taber
Delinda Talbott
Lawrence Talbott
Connor Tate
Mary Tatusko
Michael Tatusko
Gustavo Tavera
Rebecca Tavera
Collin Taylor
Cora Tellez
Jane Tellier
Lisa Teraishi-Wong
Gregory Thalmann
Lori Thalmann
Tyler Thalmann
John Thomack
Patricia Thomack
Philip Thornton
Katherine Thull
Todd Thull
Phillip Tiebel
Christopher Todaro
Katie Todaro
Theodore Tong
Adrienne Torre
Eva Torre
Gabriel Torre
Anthony Torres
David Townley
Phyllis Townley
Chad Travis
Catey Trenner
John Trenner
Denise Tripp
Christina Troiano
Julie Trujillo
Luis Trujillo
Douglas Turner
Gayle Turner
Melissa Turning
Laura Ullrich
John Ungvary
Mary Jane Ungvary
Armando Urias
Teresa Urias
Renae Urie
Steven Urie
Alberto Urquidez
Kasey Urquidez
Avaneesh Vaidya
Cheryl Valdez
Ben Van Landuyt
Garienn Van Parys
Garret Van Parys
Jeffery Van Pevenage
Earl Van Swearingen
George Vance
Allison Vanliew
Linda-Maria Vasquez
Srikar Velichety
Wyatt Villarinho
Jeri Vitello
Gus Vlahakes
Richard Vogelheim
Jeff Vold
Jonelle Vold
Christopher Volk
Elroy Voss
Julia Voss
Donna Voth
Stanley Voth
Susan Wadman
Yusef Wakeel
Tristan Wallace
William Waller
Nooshin Warren
Amber Warrick-Smith
Lucas Watanabe
Deron Webb
Heather Webb
Andrea Weiss
Scott Weiss
Leigh Weisshaupt
Jeffrey Welter
Peter Wentis
Brian Wentzel
Wendy Werden
Matthew Westra
Janae Wheelin
Cale Whittington
Katherine Whittington
Elizabeth Wickstrom
Kyle Wickstrom
Susan Widder
Barbara Wiess
William Wiess
Frederick Williams
Janet Williams
Jared Williams
Mary Williams
Mel Williams
Patrice Williams
Sandra Williams
Thomas Williams
Wink Williams
Dorothy Willie
Raymond Willie
Daryl Wilson
Robert Wilson
Ajaa Wingate
Anthony Wingate
Dean Wingert
Linda Wingert
Kenneth Winkelmann
Nancy Winkelmann
Jan Winston
Stephen Winston
Judy Wisansky
Ronald Wisansky
Melinda Witmer
Brad Wolk
Linda Wolk
Shih Chang Wong
Shira Wood
Mark Woodbridge
Junqiang Wu
Melinda Xanthos
Mark Yampolsky
Candace Yano
Donna Yettaw
Kimberly Yin
Steven Yin
Erica Yngve
Richard Yngve
Joseph Yob
Joyce Yob
Nicole Yuan
Beth Jo Zeitzer
Diego Zena
Shuo Zeng
Wenli Zhang
Jianghong Zhao
Ling Zhu
William Zimmerling
Daniel Zinger
Megan Zink
Ned Zolman
Trent Zottoli
Karen Zukerman
Mark Zupan
Amy Zurlo
Diane Zuspann
Eugene Zuspann
Christopher Zylak

Every effort has been made to accurately acknowledge those individuals, corporations, and foundations who have generously supported the Eller College of Management during the fiscal year July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. If you have concerns, contact the Eller Development Office 520-621-0053. We thank you again for your generosity.


AB46 Investments LLC
Allstage Pro
Allsup Family Charitable Foundation
Altria Group, Inc.
Alvarez & Marsal LLC
American Accounting Association
American Endowment Foundation
American Express Foundation
Ameriprise Financial - Matching Gifts
Amgen Foundation
Apollo Global Management
Arizona Community Foundation
Arizona Public Service
Arthur and Joan Funk Charitable Foundation
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Baker Tilly US, LLP
Bank of America
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America Foundation
BeachFleischman PC
Beasley, Mitchell & Co. LLP
Better Business Bureau of Tucson
Bill.Com - Matching Gifts
Bourn Companies, LLC
Bright Funds - Employee Giving and Matching Gifts
Brittenham Family Foundation
Bud Kuhl Wood Bat Foundation, Inc.
Caterpillar Inc.
CFA Society of Tucson
Charities Aid Foundation Of America
Chicago Community Foundation
Cisco Systems Foundation
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
Coretech Leasing, Inc.
Costco Corporate Office
Cultural Experiences Abroad LLC
Dell Inc.
Deloitte Foundation
Dew Wealth Management
Dover Foundation - Matching Gifts
Ednm Financial Services, LLC
Eide Bailly, LLP
Eller Accounting Student Association (ASA)
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young Foundation
Ernst & Young LLP
FactSet Research Systems
Fester & Chapman, P.C.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fisher Investments
Forvis, LLP
Frank, Rimerman & CO. LLP
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
Freeport-McMoran Inc.
GEICO Direct
Ginger and Barry Ackerley Foundation
Global Impact for Hewlett-Packard
Goldman Sachs & Co
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Haynie & Company
Heck Capital Advisors
Heinfeld, Meech & Co, P.C.
High Rock Accounting
Hock Bratcher LLP
Honeywell International Charity Matching
Honeywell International Inc
Hong's Merchandising Group Inc
Hot Iron Health
House of Broadcasting, Inc.
HSL Properties
Hyland Software
Intel Foundation

Intuitive Capital Strategies LLC
Jewish Community Foundation Of Greater Phoenix, Inc.
Jewish Community Foundation Of Los Angeles
JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kimberly-Clark Foundation
KPMG Foundation
Landmark CPAs And Financial Advisors
Levi Strauss Foundation
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
Ludwig Klewer & Rudner, PLLC
Macy's / Bloomingdale's
McDonald's Corporation - Matching Gifts
Meritage Cares
Microsoft Corporation
Mister Car Wash
Modern Mobility Systems Inc
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc
Morris A. Hazan Family Foundation
Moss Adams LLP
National Philanthropic Trust
Nelson & Kennedy Financial Services
Neon Logistics
Northwestern Mutual RPS Financial Group
Oehm Automation
Pima Association of Governments
PNC Bank, National Association
Protiviti, Inc.
ProVision, PLC
R & A CPAs
Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund
Raytheon Missiles And Defense
Raytheon Technologies
Regier, Carr & Monroe LLP
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Fund
Riehm Family Foundation
RMH Investment Management, LLC
Robbins Investment Company
Ross Capital, LLC
Roundstone Management, LTD.
RR Properties I, LLC
RSM US LLP Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
Saykin Foo Certified Public Accountant
Scarritt Group, Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sempra Energy
Shamrock Foods
Southern Arizona Leadership Council
Sun Corridor, Inc.
Swire Coca-Cola USA
Texas Instruments Inc
The American Online Giving Foundation
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
The Coleman Foundation
Tokyo Electron Ltd
Tucson Electric Power Co.
United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona
Valley of the Sun United Way
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Vanguard Group, Inc
Verizon Communications, Inc.
Visa Inc
W Silver Recycling, Inc.
Walker & Armstrong, LLP
Wallace, Plese + Dreher, LLP
Weingart Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Western Alliance Bank
Zanes Law

Every effort has been made to accurately acknowledge those individuals, corporations, and foundations who have generously supported the Eller College of Management during the fiscal year July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. If you have concerns, contact the Eller Development Office 520-621-0053. We thank you again for your generosity.

Explore Giving to the Eller College


Newly Endowed Funds

Alison Levine Endowment-Advancement of Women in Finance 

Ann Griffin Endowed Chair in Finance 

Caterina Barbato Memorial Scholarship 

Christopher George Educational 

Business Travel Award 

Corson Family Endowed Scholarship 

Diane J. Dondero Scholarship 


Grissom Family MIS Student Professional Support Endowment 

HSL Scholars Endowment 

HSLopez Family Endowed Chair 

HSLopez Family Foundation Endowment for Administration 

HSLopez Properties Inc. Endowed Chair 

Humberto S. & Czarina M. Lopez Research Endowment 


Humberto S. Lopez Endowed Professorships 

J.P. Dahdah Entrepreneurship Scholarship 

Philip A. Rhoads Endowed Chair in Finance 

Thomas C. Moses Endowed Chair in Finance 

Tyler Professorship & Fellowship Fund 

Wink and Sandi Williams Scholarship in Entrepreneurship 

Ways to Engage and Give

There are many opportunities to get involved at the Eller College and have a major impact on our students.











Find an engagement opportunity or contact Colleen Bagnall Perra, senior director of development

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