Faculty Directory and Expertise

Faculty Directory and Expertise


Carlos J. Alsua

Professor of Practice
Academic Director, Global Entrepreneurship

Areas of Expertise

Cross cultural management
Global entrepreneurship and innovation
Global ethics
Global leadership
Implementation of managerial practices in developing economies
Motivation in an international context
Positive psychology
Lehman Benson

Lehman Benson III

Vice President of Black Advancement and Engagement, University of Arizona
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Conflict management and negotiations
Judgment and decision making
Risk management
Sports management
Cheryl Brodersen

Cheryl Brodersen

Senior Lecturer, Business Communication

Areas of Expertise

Intercultural Communication
Effective business writing
Online and distance education
ESL and post-traditional student (veterans, LD) success
David Brown

David Brown

Associate Professor of Finance
Brian and Clara Franke Endowed Chair in Finance

Areas of Expertise

Asset management
Early-stage financing and IPOs
Institutional investors
Price feedback and price informativeness
Taxes and retirement planning
Zhi Cao

Zhi Cao

Assistant Professor, Management and Organizations

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral Theory of the Firm
Organizational Learning
Technical Innovation

Kevin Cassell

Lecturer, Business Communication

Areas of Expertise

Course-based business simulations
Cross-cultural communication
Impression management
Learner Experience Design
Presentation design and delivery
Professional scientific and technical writing
Rhetorical theory and praxis
Scott Cederburg

Scott Cederburg

Associate Professor of Finance
Thomas C. Moses Endowed Professor in Finance

Areas of Expertise

Asset pricing (empirical and theoretical): factor models, cross-sectional anomalies, long-run risk, asset allocation and applied Bayesian econometrics
Hsinchun Chen

Hsinchun Chen

UA Regents' Professor of MIS
Thomas R. Brown Chair in Management and Technology
Director, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Director, AZSecure Cybersecurity Program

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity and cyber threat intelligence
Data mining, text mining and web mining
Digital library and search engines
Health analytics and mobile health
Health informatics and security informatics
Knowledge management and business intelligence
Logo with gray border

Faiz Currim

Professor of Practice in MIS
Assistant Director, INSITE: Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics

Areas of Expertise

Data modeling
Data security and privacy
Healthcare data management
Temporal and spatial data management
XML Schema
Aleksander P.J. Ellis

Aleksander P.J. Ellis

Stephen P. Robbins Chair in Organizational Behavior
Research Director, Center for Leadership Ethics

Areas of Expertise

Counterproductive behavior, specifically unethical and deviant behavior in the workplace
Human resource management issues, including turnover and performance appraisal
The behavior of groups and teams in organizations
michael fricke professional headshot

Michael Fricke

Professor of Practice in Management and Organizations
Associate Director, Center for Leadership Ethics

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral ethics
Commercial law
Corporate law
Corporate social responsibility
Intellectual property
Mrinal Ghosh

Mrinal Ghosh

Gary M. Munsinger Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Areas of Expertise

Business models in technological markets and entrepreneurial ventures
Designing win-win cooperative relationships in marketing channels and business markets
Healthcare marketing
Pricing strategies in technology and business markets
Salesforce design and compensation
Eyran Gisches

Eyran Gisches

Senior Lecturer in Management Information Systems
Manager, Organizational Behavior Laboratory

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral game theory
Behavioral operations management
Interactive decisions in networks
Revenue management
Barry Goldman

Barry Goldman

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
McClelland Fellow

Areas of Expertise

Human resource management
Conflict management and negotiation
Organizational justice
Employee legal-claiming
Social exchange
Matthew J. Hashim

Matthew J. Hashim

Associate Professor of MIS
Associate Director, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Eller Fellow
Chair of the Eller College Faculty

Areas of Expertise

Digital privacy
Electronic commerce
Experimental and behavioral economics
Information security and privacy

Max Hewitt

Associate Professor of Accounting
Eller Fellow

Areas of Expertise

Forecasting and valuation implications of financial statement information
Implications of financial statement presentation
Investors’ reaction to disaggregated financial statement information
Brian Hilligoss

Brian Hilligoss

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
Peter and Nancy Salter Fellow in Healthcare Management

Areas of Expertise

Healthcare management
High-reliability organizations
Organizational change
Organizational routines
Songcui Hu

Songcui Hu

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
Eller Fellow

Areas of Expertise

Adaptive aspirations (goals) and attention allocation
Behavioral strategy
Behavioral Theory of the Firm
Firm risk-taking behavior
Organizational Learning
Mihai Ion

Mihai Ion

Assistant Professor of Finance

Areas of Expertise

Corporate investment, mergers and acquisitions
Empirical asset pricing and factor models
International trade, trade policy
Macro finance, credit cycles
Policy uncertainty
Catherine Jennings

Catherine Jennings

Senior Lecturer, Business Communication

Areas of Expertise

Building and sustaining high performing teams
Data Visualization and Storytelling
Leveraging Technology for Success
Perception Management and Executive Coaching (Hogan Certified)
Presentation Coaching
Strategic Planning and Communication
Women's Leadership Development
Paul Kealey

Paul Kealey

Lecturer in Management Information Systems
Associate Director, Information Assurance and Security Education Center

Areas of Expertise

Information security and privacy
Information security risk management
Network management and security
Systems administration
Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan

Principal Lecturer in Finance
Director, MSF Career Management and Experiential Learning

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral finance
Empirical asset pricing
Financial market contagion
Price discovery

Gondy Leroy

Research Director, Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare
Associate Dean for Research
Professor of MIS

Areas of Expertise

Human computer interaction and user studies
Medical and biomedical informatics
Natural language processing, text mining and text analytics
Search engines, information retrieval/extraction and understanding by consumers
Yong Liu Headshot

Yong Liu

Vice Dean, Programs and Strategic Initiatives
Director, HSLopez School of Business Analytics
HSLopez Endowed Chair
Professor of Marketing

Areas of Expertise

Competitive strategies for business and nonprofits
Firm strategies during product-harm crisis
Innovation and business models
Marketing strategies for media and cultural products, especially movie marketing
Social interactions and new media
Michael Mandel

Michael Mandel

Senior Lecturer, Business Communication

Areas of Expertise

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a strategic advantage
Hogan Assessments coaching and training
Management consulting
Reputation Management at individual and organizational levels
Strategic communication
Visual design strategies

Evan Martin-Casler

Lecturer, Business Communiation

Areas of Expertise

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Leadership
Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution
Teaching and Teacher Education
Writing and editing

Ann McGrath

Senior Lecturer in Accounting

Areas of Expertise

Financial accounting
Healthcare financial analysis
Healthcare resource management
Healthcare strategic planning
Managerial accounting

Marisa Michaels

Co-Director, Business Communication
Lecturer, Business Communication
University of Arizona Faculty Fellow

Areas of Expertise

Impression management
Interpersonal communication
Organizational Behavior
Presentation design
Public speaking coaching and consulting

Amber Montz

Lecturer, Business Communication

Areas of Expertise

Instructional design and educational technology
Professional and Leadership Presence
Strategic Interpersonal Communication

Patti Ota

Associate Professor of MIS

Areas of Expertise

Critical thinking and interpersonal communication
Decision making and problem solving
System design
Mark Patton

Mark W. Patton

Senior Lecturer in Management Information Systems
Program Administrator, AZSecure Cybersecurity Program

Areas of Expertise

Agent-based systems
Cybersecurity and security informatics
Decision support systems for automated deception identification
Organizational modeling and simulation
Nathan Podsakoff

Nathan Podsakoff

Department Head, Management and Organizations
Eller Professor

Areas of Expertise

Employee citizenship/prosocial behavior
Influence and Leadership
Methods of organizational research
Organizational stress
Scholarly impact in the field of management
Sudha Ram

Sudha Ram

Anheuser-Busch Foundation Professorship for Entrepreneurial Business Studies
Professor of Management Information Systems
Director of INSITE: Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics

Areas of Expertise

AI Interpretability and Explainable AI
Big Data Analytics
Health Care Analytics
Large Scale Network Science and Data Mining
Machine learning
Martin Reimann

Martin Reimann

Associate Professor, Marketing, and McClelland Fellow
Director, Arizona Think Tank for Behavioral Decision Making
External Faculty Affiliate, Stanford Institute for Research in the Social Sciences
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Areas of Expertise

Brands and branding
Consumer experiences
Consumer neuroscience
Consumer psychology
Emotional-motivational states predicting consumer behavior
Product design and aesthetics
Social relations with humans, products, pets, and AI
woman professional

Carletta Sanders

Adjunct Lecturer, Business Communication

Areas of Expertise

Ethical Communication
Intercultural Communication
Organizational Behavior
Personal Branding and Professional Persona
Jennifer Savary

Jennifer Savary

Associate Professor of Marketing
Terry J. and Tina Lundgren Endowed Chair for Marketing and Retail
Co-director of the Lundgren Retail Collaborative

Areas of Expertise

Consumer psychology
Identity and Self-signaling
Judgment and Decision-making
Motivation and goals

Katina Sawyer

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations

Areas of Expertise

Diversity/equity and inclusion in organizations
Employee well-being
positive organizational scholarship
Oliver Schilke

Oliver Schilke

Professor of Management and Organizations
Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Director, Center for Trust Studies
External Faculty Affiliate, Stanford University's Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

Areas of Expertise

Collaborations (including strategic alliances)
Institutional theory
Organizational routines/capabilities
Social cognition
Ricardo Valerdi

Ricardo Valerdi

Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering
Director, Sports Management Program
Pac-12 Faculty Athletics Representative

Areas of Expertise

Concussion education
Consultancy for professional and collegiate sports
Product development
Sports analytics

Melanie Wallendorf

Professor Emerita

Areas of Expertise

Ethnic, gender, racial and class differences in consumption and its meanings
Political ideology and consumption
Socio-cultural shaping of consumers' use of space
Sociological aspects of consumer behavior
The development of taste cultures
Nooshin Warren

Nooshin Warren

Associate Professor of Marketing
Eller Faculty Fellow

Areas of Expertise

Corporate activism and corporate political culture
Financial consequences of marketing actions and assets
Firm/stock market communication strategies
Purpose driven marketing
Seokjun Youn

Seokjun Youn

Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems

Areas of Expertise

Applied econometrics
Capacity planning and scheduling in healthcare
Healthcare operations and payment models
Logistics optimization for food safety