Mrinal Ghosh

McClelland Hall 320Q
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Professor Mrinal Ghosh joined the Eller College of Management in 2007. He earned his PhD in Marketing from the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining the Eller College, he was a faculty at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. His area of expertise includes Business Models in Technology Markets and Entrepreneurial Ventures, Designing Effective Cooperative Relationships in Marketing Channels and Business-to-Business Markets, Pricing Strategies in Technology and Business Markets, Salesforce Design and Compensation Issues, and Health Care Marketing.
Teaching Interests
- Marketing Strategy
- Marketing of Technology & Innovation
- Business-to-Business Marketing
- Marketing Channels
- Health Care Marketing
Courses Taught at the Eller College
- MKTG 471 – Marketing Policies and Operations
- MKTG 510 – Market-Based Management (Executive MBA)
- MKTG 538 – Innovative Strategies in Health Care Marketing (Masters in Health Care Management)
- MKTG 546 – Marketing Strategy (FTMBA, Master of Science – Marketing, Online MBA)
- MKTG 696C – Research Methods: Constructs and Measurement (PhD)
- MKTG 696 – Organizational Economics and Models of Information Asymmetry (PhD)
Selected Recent Publications
- “A Theory of Product-Form Strategy: When to Market Intellectual Property, Components, or Systems?” forthcoming, Journal of Marketing (with Kellilynn M. Frias, Narayan Janakiraman, Dale F. Duhan, and Robert Lusch (late)).
- “Contracting to (Dis)incentivize? An Integrative Transaction-Cost Approach on How Contracts Govern Specific Investments,” Strategic Management Journal, 2022, Vol. 43 (August), 1528-1555 (with Desmond Lo and Giorgio Zanarone).
- “Contracting to (Dis)incentivize? An Integrative Transaction-Cost Approach on How Contracts Govern Specific Investments,” Strategic Management Journal, 2022 forthcoming (with Desmond Lo and Giorgio Zanarone).
- “Money-Back Guarantees and Service Quality: The Marketing of In-Vitro Fertilization Services,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2022, Vol. 59 (June), 659-673 (with Shan Yu, and Madhu Viswanathan).
- “Media Coverage of Climate Change and Sustainable Product Consumption: Evidence from Hybrid Vehicle Market,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2019, Vol. 56 (December), 995-1011 (with Yubo Chen, Yong Liu, and Liang Zhao).
- “Reconciling Power and Efficiency Theories of Marketing Channel Governance,” Journal of Marketing, 2019, 83 (4), 101-120 (with Stephen Carson).
- “Endogeneity in Survey Research,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2018, 35 (2), 185-204 (with Jon B. Sande).
- “Price Delegation and Performance Pay: Evidence from Industrial Sales Forces,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2016, Vol. 32, No. 3, 508-544 (with Desmond Lo, Wouter Dessein, and Francine Lafontaine).
Selected Recent Book Chapters
- “Porter Meets Williamson in 2021: Governance Value Analysis and its Implications in a World of Digital Technologies,” in ISBM B2B Handbook, Gary Lilien and Scott Petersen (Eds.), 2021 (with George John).
- “Choosing Value-Chain Locations in Marketing Channels: Integrating Service-Dominant Logic and Product-Form Strategy Perspectives,” in Handbook of Research on Distribution Channels, Rajiv Dant and Chuck Ingene (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 (with Kelli Frias and Robert Lusch).
- “A Transaction Cost Approach to Channel Design with Application to Multi-Channels Settings,” in Handbook of Research on Distribution Channels, Rajiv Dant and Chuck Ingene (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 (with George John and Madhu Viswanathan).
Selected Ongoing Research
- “A Theory of Product-Form Strategy: When to Market Intellectual Property, Components, or Systems?” (with Kelli M. Frias, Narayan Janakiraman, Dale F. Duhan, and Robert Lusch).
- “Delegation, Centralization, and Productivity in Industrial Salesforces,” (with Desmond Lo, Zhen Tang, and Arti Gandhi).
- “Product Form Strategy: Selling Systems versus Components in Industrial Markets,” (with Kelli M. Frias and Shantanu Dutta).
- “The Role of User-Generated Content in Consumer Adoption: The Case of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine,” (with Liuyi Wang).
- “A Problem-Solving Perspective to Customer Solutions: The Role of Cross-Understanding and Relational Contracting,” (with Jon B. Sande, Kenneth H. Wathne, and Henrik Larsen).
- “Outsourcing, Productivity, and Quality: Evidence from the Market for In-Vitro Fertilization Services,” (with Shan Yu and Madhu Viswanathan).
- “A Model of Digital Piracy in Vertically Differentiated Markets: Effects on Firm Strategy and Consumer Welfare,” (with Yong Liu and Peng Wang).
- “Marketing of Technology through Licensing Agreements: A Cross-National Investigation,” (with Shan Yu, George John, and Chae Un Lim).
- “Impact of Vertical Structure and Product Differentiation on Price Pass-through: An Analysis of the Retail Beer Market,” (with Jorge D. M. Garcia and Madhu Viswanathan).
- “Pricing Formats as Governance Devices: The Role of Leasing in Complex Industrial Markets,”.
- “A Governance-Based Perspective on Bundling Equipment Sales and Technical Consulting Services in Industrial Markets” (with Tirthankar Roy and Sourav Ray).
- PhD, University of Minnesota (Marketing), 1998
- B.Eng., University of Bombay (Mechanical Engineering), 1988