Global Programs
Let no border limit your learning.
Eller is known for its exceptional understanding of today’s global businesses—and that’s reflected in our students’ many options to study, work and serve abroad.
Whether you’re an undergrad earning a business minor in Spain, an MBA student traveling to Singapore for your global business experience or a student abroad attending one of our micro-campuses around the world, there’s a way for you to broaden your thinking and build global perspective into your education.

The sky’s the limit: take advantage of international internships, study abroad and study tours, service learning, the business minor abroad, Eller Global Cohort or Global Business Program. You’ll get more than a passport stamp—you’ll get experience that will serve for a lifetime.

The University of Arizona partners with universities around the world to deliver our programs to local students by collaborating with local faculty. We use space on their physical campus and allow their students to enroll in for-credit courses and earn a dual degree.
Eller Global Cohort
The Eller Global Cohort enables accepted students to complete their first semester of upper-division core Eller College requirements in Fortaleza, Brazil.

Lessons from the Land of the Rising Sun
Recently, 22 Eller entrepreneurship and honors students spent seven days exploring the business and culture of Japan as part of the Kakehashi Project, a highly selective program of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at promoting a better understanding of Japan and its people. In addition to connecting with students of Waseda University, the group was welcomed into a range of businesses across Tokyo, Kobe and Osaka.
Scholars without borders.
Ready to hear more about the ways you can have one-of-a-kind global experiences wrapped into your Eller experience? We’re here to help with the details and get you started. Just don’t forget to send a postcard.