Department of Marketing
Innovation, with a good dose of imagination.
Our aims: to forge new understanding—and put students on the path to a dynamic career.
Thanks to influential faculty research, an active community of students, and multiple major marketing events each year, our Marketing Department is as bustling as it is stimulating.

What excites me about teaching the basics of research is that I get to empower students at the beginning of their careers to think critically about ambiguous problems, understand how to frame those problems and then go out and seek the information they need to answer their questions.
Jennifer Savary, Assistant Professor of Marketing

Here, experiential learning is a key part of your curriculum. Through student clubs, internships, competitions and real-world work with local businesses, you’ll get valuable exposure to the challenges and tools in the marketing world today.

Become a true expert in understanding how consumers think and exactly how to reach them. In our 12-month program, you’ll earn a degree that magnifies the value of your undergraduate degree and makes you a true standout to employers.

Go from marketing student to active leader in the marketing community. In our program (which typically takes about five years) you’ll embark on in-depth coursework and close faculty research partnerships and rise to the top of your field.
Centers and Labs

The Lundgren Retail Collaborative (LRC) is a groundbreaking joint initiative between the Marketing Department of the Eller College of Management and the Norton School of Human Ecology. The vision of the LRC is to be a world-class retail center at the University of Arizona that will transform retail education, research, and practice.

The Behavioral Lab at the Eller Department of Marketing collects empirical data to understand consumers' behavior and psyche. Utilizing advanced methods such as psychometric surveys and behavioral experiments, the lab provides valuable insights into consumer decision-making, to inform marketing strategies and develop psychological theories of consumer behavior.

The RSIM is a premier undergraduate program in the Eller College Marketing Department that creates advanced opportunities for highly motivated and energized students wanting to gain invaluable leadership opportunities and skills.
Student Success
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McClelland Hall 320
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, AZ 85721-0108