Alice Bonaime

McClelland Hall 315L
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Alice Bonaimé is an Associate Professor of Finance and the Philip Rhoads Endowed Professor in Finance at Eller College of Management. Alice researches empirical corporate finance with a focus on share buybacks and mergers and acquisitions. Her research has been published in various academic journals (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, The Accounting Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Critical Finance Review) and cited by top news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, and National Public Radio. Alice teaches corporate finance to undergraduate and MBA/MSF students and has earned several teaching awards, including being named one of the Poets & Quants Favorite Business Professors.
- FIN 391 Preceptorship – Fall
- FIN 412 Corporate Financial Problems – Fall
- FIN 512 Advanced Corporate Finance – Fall (in-person and online)
- “Mergers, Product Prices, and Innovation: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry" 2024, Journal of Finance 79, 2195–2236 (with Ye (Emma) Wang)
- "Share Repurchases," 2024, The Handbook of Corporate Finance (with K. Kahle)
- Featured in Columbia Law School's Blue Sky Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets"
- "Voluntary Disclosures Regarding Open Market Repurchase Programs" 2024, Contemporary Accounting Research 41, 1151–1185 (with Leonce Bargeron, William Docimo, Mei Feng, and Shawn Thomas)
- "Employee Compensation Still Impacts Payout Policy?" 2024, Critical Finance Review 13, Issue 3-4 (with Kathy Kahle, David Moore, and Alok Nemani)
- "Why do Firms Disagree with Short Sellers? Managerial Myopia versus Private Information," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2020, 55, 2431-2465 (with L. Bargeron). [Lead Article]
- "Payout Policy Tradeoffs and the Rise of 10b5-1 Preset Repurchase Plans," Management Science, 2020, 66, 2762-2786 (with J. Harford and D. Moore)
- "Does Policy Uncertainty Affect Mergers and Acquisitions?," Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, 129, 531-558 (with H. Gulen and M. Ion)
- "The Timing and Source of Long-run Returns Following Repurchases," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017, 52, 491-517 (with L. Bargeron and S. Thomas)
- "The Cost of Financial Flexibility: Evidence from Share Repurchases," Journal of Corporate Finance, 2016, 38, 345-362 (with K. Hankins and B. Jordan)
- "Mandatory Disclosure and Firm Behavior: Evidence from Share Repurchases," The Accounting Review, 2015, 90, 1333-1362.
- "Capital Structure, Equity Mispricing, and the Gains to Stock Repurchases," Journal of Corporate Finance, 2014, 26, 182-200 (with O. Oztekin and R. Warr)
- "Financial Flexibility, Risk Management, and Payout Policy," Review of Financial Studies, 2014, 27, 1047-1101 (with K. Hankins and J. Harford)
- "Insider Trading and Share Repurchases: Do Insiders and Firms Trade in the Same Direction?", Journal of Corporate Finance, 2013, 22, 35-53 (with M. Ryngaert)
- "Repurchases, Reputation and Returns," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2012, 47, 469-491
- PhD in Finance, University of Florida
- Certificate of Applied Statistics, University of South Carolina
- International MBA, University of South Carolina
- BS in Mathematics, BA in French, College of Charleston