Andrea Rossi
Assistant Professor of Finance
Sheafe/Neill/Estes Fellow in Finance

McClelland Hall 315P
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Asset management
Corporate insiders
Investor behavior
Private equity
Andrea Rossi joined the Eller College of Management in 2018 after earning his PhD in Finance from Ohio State University. A Chartered Financial Analyst, his areas of expertise include private equity, asset management, investor behavior and corporate insiders. He has also worked as a financial analyst for PFC (Italy) and as a junior project manager for BNP Paribas (France.)
- FIN 414 International Finance - Spring
- FIN 514 Financial Management for Multi-National Enterprises - Spring
- "Industry Familiarity and Trading: Evidence from the Personal Portfolios of Industry Insiders," Journal of Financial Economics, April 2019 (with Itzhak Ben-David and Justin Birru)
- "What do Mutual Fund Investors Really Care About?" Review of Financial Studies, April 2022 (with Itzhak Ben-David, Jiacui Li and Yang Song)
- "Ratings-Driven Demand and Systematic Price Fluctuations" Review of Financial Studies, June 2022 (with Itzhak Ben-David, Jiacui Li and Yang Song)
- "Discontinued Positive Feedback Trading and the Decline of Return Predictability", with Itzhak Ben-David, Jiacui Li, and Yang Song. Forthcoming at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
- "Unsmoothing Returns of Illiquid Funds", with Spencer Couts and Andrei Goncalves. Forthcoming at Review of Financial Studies
- PhD in Finance, The Ohio State University, 2018