Sarah Doyle
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations

McClelland Hall 405EE
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Cooperation and competition
Interpersonal and intergroup relations
Interpersonal helping
Social hierarchy
Sarah Doyle joined the Eller College of Management in 2017 after earning her PhD in Management and Human Resources from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on status, social hierarchy, interpersonal and intergroup relations, cooperation and competition and interpersonal helping. Sarah is currently Co-coordinator of the M&O department's PhD program.
Selected Publications
- Doyle, SP, & Lount, RB. (Forthcoming). Rising above versus falling below: When and why status change affects interpersonal helping in workgroups. Forthcoming at Organization Science. Advance online publication.
- Doyle, SP, Chung, S, Lount, RB, Swaab, R, & Rathjens, J. (Forthcoming) Hierarchical team structures limit joint gain in interteam negotiations: The role of information elaboration and value claiming behavior. Forthcoming at Academy of Management Journal. Advance online publication.
- Doyle, SP, Pettit, NC, Kim, S†, To, C, & Lount, RB. (2022). Surging Underdogs and Slumping Favorites: How Recent Streaks and Future Expectations Drive Competitive Transgressions. Forthcoming at Academy of Management Journal. 65 (5): 1507-1540.
- Pettit, NC, Doyle, SP, Kim, H, & Hurwitz, A. (2022) Rank extrapolation: Asymmetric forecasts of future rank after rank change. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Advance online publication.
- Kim, HY*, Kim, S*†, Howell, T*, Doyle, SP*, Pettit, N, & Bizarro, M. (2022) Are We Essential, or Sacrificial? The Effects of Felt Public Gratitude on Essential Worker Recovery Activities during COVID-19. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Advance online publication. *Indicates that authors contributed equally
- Kim, S†, McClean, E, Doyle, SP, Podsakoff, N, Woodruff, T, &. Lin, E. (2022) The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Status on Ratings of Voice Behavior: A Test of Opposing Structural and Psychological Pathways. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Doyle, S. P., Kim, S†., & Kim, H. Y. (2021). The Psychology of Status Competitions within Organizations. In S. M. Garcia, A. Tor, & A. J. Elliot (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Competition.
- Lount, RB, Doyle, SP, Brion, S, & Pettit, NC. (2019). Only When Others Are Watching: The Contingent Efforts of High Status Group Members. Management Science, 65(7): 3382-3397.
- Druckman, D, Lewicki, R, & Doyle, SP. (2019). Repairing Violations of Trustworthiness in Negotiation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(3): 145-158.
- Lount, RB., Pettit, NC., & Doyle, SP. (2017). Motivating Underdogs and Favorites. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 141, 82-93.
- Pettit, NC, Doyle, SP, Lount, RB. & To, C. (2016). Cheating to Get Ahead or to Avoid Falling Behind? The Effect of Potential Negative versus Positive Status Change on Unethical Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 137, 172-183.
- Doyle, SP, Lount, RB, Wilk, SL, & Pettit, NC. (2016). Helping Others Most When They’re Not Too Close: Status Distance as a Determinant of Interpersonal Helping in Organizations. Academy of Management Discoveries, 2(2), 155-174.
- Brion, S, Lount, RB, & Doyle, SP. (2015). Knowing If You Are Trusted: Does Meta-accuracy Promote Trust Development? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(7), 823-830.
Professional Associations
- Academy of Management (AOM)
- Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup)
- International Association for Conflict Management (IACM)
- Poets and Quants Top 50 Best Undergraduate Business School Professors, 2020
- Eller College Student’s Choice Award for Most Engaging Faculty (2019)
- AOM Showcase Symposium, Conflict Management Division (2019)
- AOM Best Paper with a Student as the First Author, Conflict Management Division (2017) (Doyle)
- INGRoup Best Paper with a Student as the First Author (2014) (Doyle, Lount, Wilk, & Pettit)
Editorial Work and Service to the Field
- Academy of Management Discoveries—Editorial Review Board (2019-present)
- Academy of Management Conflict Management Division, Representative at Large (2018-2020)
- Ad hoc reviewer for:
- Academy of Management Journal
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Organization Science
- Organizational Psychology Review
- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
- Personnel Psychology
- Journal of Management
- Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
- Group Decision and Negotiation
- Academy of Management Discoveries
- PhD in Management and Human Resources, The Ohio State University, 2017
- BA in Psychology and Markets and Management Studies, Duke University, 2009