Eyran Gisches

McClelland Hall 430N
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Eyran Gisches joined the Eller College of Management in 2010 after receiving his PhD at the University of Arizona. At Eller, he is the manager of the Organizational Behavior Laboratory. His areas of expertise are behavioral operations management, behavioral game theory, interactive decisions in networks and revenue management.
- MIS 373 Basic Operations Management
- MIS 560 Operations Management
- When a few undermine the whole: A class of social dilemmas in ridesharing (2019) (with Mak. V, Qi H. and Rapoport A.). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Voting Rules in Sequential Search by Committees: Theory and Experiments (2019) (with Mak. V, Seale D. and Rapoport A.). Management Science. 65 (9), 3949-4450.
A Network Ridesharing Experiment with Sequential Choice of Transportation Model (with Mak. V, Seale D., Cheng M., Moon M., Yang R. and Rapoport A.). Theory and Decision. In press.
Dynamic Pricing Decisions and Seller-Buyer Interactions under Capacity Constraints (2018) (with Mak, V., Rapoport A.). Games - Special Issue Logistics Games.
The Braess Paradox and Coordination Failure in Directed Networks with Mixed Externalities (2017) (with Mak, V., Rapoport A. & Seale D.). Production and Operations Management Society.
Route vs. Segment: An Experiment on Real-Time Travel Information in Congestible Networks (2015) (with Rapoport A. & Mak, V.). Production and Operations Management Society. (24)947-960.
Pre-trip Information and Route Choice Decisions with Stochastic Conditions: Theory (2014). (with Lindsey R., Daniel T., and Rapoport, A Transportation Research B. (67)187-207.
Pre-trip Information and Route Choice Decisions with Stochastic Conditions: Experiment (2014). (with Lindsey R., Daniel T., and Rapoport, A.). Transportation Research B. (68)154-172.
Purchasing Scarce Products under Dynamic Pricing: An experimental Investigation (2014) (with Mak V. and Rapoport A.). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 16(3)425-438.
Distributed Decisions in Networks: Laboratory Study of Routing Splittable Flow (2014) (with Rapoport A., Mak V. and J. Han) Production and Operations Management Society. 23(2):314-331.
Competitive Dynamic Pricing with Alternating Offers: Theory and Experiment (2012) (with Mak, V. & Rapoport A.), Games and Economic Behavior. 75:250- 264.
Working Papers
- The Downs Thompson Paradox with Endogenously Determined Departure Times (with Otsubo H. & Rapoport A.)
- Multi Issue Bargaining (with Rapoport A., Seale D. & Kugler T.)
- Teaching Innovation Award, May 2017
- Course Improvement Award, April 2014.
- James F. LaSalle Award for Teaching Excellence as a Graduate Student Instructor, December 2008
- PhD, The University of Arizona