Faiz Currim
Professor of Practice in MIS
Assistant Director, INSITE: Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics

McClelland Hall 430AA
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Data modeling
Data security and privacy
Healthcare data management
Temporal and spatial data management
XML Schema
Faiz Currim joined the Eller College of Management in 2011. His areas of expertise include data modeling, temporal and spatial data management, data security and privacy, healthcare data management and XML schema. He earned his Ph.D. in 2004 from Eller College and taught for six years at the University of Iowa before returning to Tucson.
Current Research
- Database management
- Information systems
- MIS 531 Enterprise Data Management
- MIS 304 Using and Managing Information Systems
- MIS 111L Computers and Internetworked Society Lab
- MIS 307 Business Data Communications
- MIS 331 Data Management
Selected Publications
- “Deep Learning of Spatiotemporal Patterns for Urban Mobility Prediction using Big Data” (Y. Wang, F. Currim, S. Ram). Information Systems Research. [Accepted for publication.]
- “Evaluating Distributed Computing Infrastructures: An Empirical Study Comparing Hadoop Deployments on Cloud and Local Systems”. (D. Bhattacharya, F. Currim, S. Ram). IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. [Accepted for publication.]
- “Wellbuilt for Wellbeing: Controlling Relative Humidity in the Workplace Matters for Our Health” (J. Razjouyan, H. Lee, B. Gilligan, C. Lindberg, H. Nguyen, K. Canada, A. Burton, A. Sharafkhaneh, K. Srinivasan, F. Currim, S. Ram, M. Mehl, N. Goebel, M. Lunden, S. Bhangar, J. Heerwagen, K. Kampschroer, E. Sternberg, B. Najafi. Indoor Air. Indoor Air. Volume 30, Issue 1, Jan 2020.
- “Predicting High Cost Patients at Point of Admission using Network Science”, (K. Srinivasan, F. Currim, S. Ram). IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Volume 22, Issue 6, November 2018.
- “Effects of office workstation type on physical activity and stress”, (C. Lindberg, K. Srinivasan, B. Gilligan, J. Razjouyan, H. Lee, B. Najafi, K. Canada, M. Mehl, F. Currim, S. Ram, M. Lunden, J. Heerwagen, K. Kampschroer, E. Sternberg). Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol 75, Issue 10, October 2018.
- “Suggestion Mining for Online Health Forums” (Z. Yang, S. Ram, F. Currim), 29th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), 2019.
- “Modeling Bike Sharing Systems and Predicting Station Demand Using Heterogeneous Data Sources” (F. Dong, F. Currim, S. Ram), 29th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), 2019.
- “Drug-Drug Interaction Mining and Interaction Terms Extraction using Deep Learning: A Word-level Attention Bi-Directional LSTM” (Z. Yang, S. Ram, F. Currim), 28th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), 2018.
- “Future Impact Prediction of Technology based on Patent Ranking in Heterogeneous Network” (Z. Yang, S. Ram, F. Currim), Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), 2018.
- “Using Digital Health Wearable Devices to Understand the Relationship Between Sound levels and Wellbeing: A Segmented Mixed-effects Regression Approach” (K. Srinivasan, F. Currim, S. Ram), 27th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), 2017.
- “A Regularization Approach for Identifying Cumulative Lagged Effects in Smart Health Applications”, (K. Srinivasan, F. Currim, S. Ram, C. Lindberg, E. Sternberg, B. Najafi, J. Razjouyan, H. Lee, M. Mehl, D. Herzl, R. Herzl, M. Lunden, N. Goebel, S. Andrews, B. Gilligan, J. Heerwagen, K. Kamschroer, K. Canada), 7th International Conference on Digital Health, 2017.
- “Deep Learning for Bus Passenger Demand Prediction Using Big Data” (Y. Wang, F. Currim, S. Ram), 26th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), 2016.
- “SMARTBIKE: Policy making and decision support for Bike Share systems” (S. Ram, F. Dong, F. Currim, Y. Wang, E. Dantas, L. A. Sabóia), IEEE 2nd International Smart Cities Conference, 2016.
- “A Big Data Approach for Smart Transportation Management on Bus Network” (Y. Wang, S. Ram, F. Currim, E. Dantas, L. A. Sabóia), IEEE 2ndInternational Smart Cities Conference, 2016. [award: Best Paper]
- “Feature importance and predictive modeling for multi-source healthcare data with missing values” (K. Srinivasan, F. Currim, S. Ram, C. Lindberg, E. Sternberg, P. Skeath, B. Najafi, J. Razjouyan, H. Lee, C. Foe-Parker, N. Goebel, R. Herzl, M. Mehl, B. Gilligan, J. Heerwagen, K. Kampschroer, K. Canada), 6th International Conference on Digital Health (in conjunction with WWW 2016), 2016.
- “SMARTBUS: A Web Application for Smart Urban Mobility and Transportation” (S. Ram, Y. Wang, F. Currim, F. Dong, E. Dantas, L. A. Sabóia), AW4city 2nd International Smart City Workshop, (in conjunction with WWW 2016), 2016.
- "Using Big Data for Predicting Freshmen Retention," International Conference on Information Systems, 2015 (with S. Currim, S. Ram and Y. Wang)
- "Using a knowledge learning framework to predict errors," Information Systems, 2014, 40, 11-31 (with S. Currim, S. Ram and A. Durcikova)
- "A maintenance centric approach to the view selection problem," Information Systems, 2013, 38 (7), 971-987 (with R. Hylock)
- "Modeling spatial and temporal set-based constraints during conceptual database design," Information Systems Research, 2012, 23(1), 109-128 (with S. Ram)
- "Adding Temporal Constraints to XML Schema," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2012, 24(8), 1-19 (with S. Currim, C. Dyreson, T. R. Snodgrass, S. Thomas and R. Zhang)
- “Conceptually modeling Windows and Bounds for space and time in database constraints” (F. Currim, S. Ram). Communications of the ACM, November 2008.
- “Validating quicksand: Schema versioning in τXSchema” (R. T. Snodgrass, C. Dyreson, F. Currim, S. Currim, S. Joshi). Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 65, Issue 2, May 2008.
- “Weaving Temporal and Reliability aspects into a schema tapestry” (C. Dyreson, R. T. Snodgrass, F. Currim, S. Currim, S. Joshi). Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 63, Issue 3, December 2007.
Professional Associations
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- PhD, University of Arizona, 2004