Scott Cederburg

McClelland Hall 315M
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Scott Cederburg is an Associate Professor of Finance and the Thomas C. Moses Endowed Professor in Finance at the Eller College of Management. He earned his PhD in Finance from the University of Iowa. His research focuses on issues related to long-horizon investment outcomes and retirement security, return predictability, and mutual fund performance. His studies have been published in top academic journals, including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and the Review of Finance. He won the 2018 TIAA Paul A. Samuelson Award for Outstanding Scholarly Writing on Lifelong Financial Security for his study, "Tax Uncertainty and Retirement Savings Diversification," and his work has been covered by The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Forbes, and Consumer Reports, among other outlets.
- FIN 422 Risk Management and Derivatives - Spring
- FIN 602 Dynamic Asset Pricing - Fall
Publications and Working Papers
- "On the economic significance of stock return predictability," Review of Finance, Vol 27, Issue 2, 2023, 619-657 (with T. L. Johnson and M. S. O'Doherty)
- "Is 'not trading' informative? Evidence from corporate insiders' portfolios," Financial Analysts Journal, Vol 78, Issue 1, 2022, 79-100 (with L. DeVault and K. Wang)
- "Stocks for the long run? Evidence from a broad sample of developed markets," Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 143, Issue 1, 2022, 409-433 (with M. S. O'Doherty, and A. Anarkulova)
- "Understanding the risk-return relation: The aggregate wealth proxy actually matters" Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 37, Issue 4, 2019, 721-735 (with M. S. O'Doherty)
- "On the performance of volatility-managed portfolios," Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 138, Issue 1, 2020, 95-117 (with M. S. O'Doherty, F. Wang and X. Yan)
- "Pricing intertemporal risk when investment opportunities are unobservable," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 54, Issue 4, 2019, 1759-1789
- "Are stocks riskier over the long run? Taking cues from economic theory," Review of Financial Studies, February 2018, Vol. 31, Issue 2, 556-594 (with D. Avramov and K. Lucivjanska)
- "Conditional benchmarks and predictors of mutual fund performance," Critical Finance Review, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2018, 331-372 (with Michael S. O'Doherty, N. E. Savin and Ashish Tiwari).
- "Tax uncertainty and retirement savings diversification," Journal of Financial Economics, December 2017, Vol. 126, Issue 3, Pages 689-712 (with D. C. Brown and M. S. O'Doherty)
- "Does it pay to bet against beta? On the conditional performance of the beta anomaly," Journal of Finance, 2016, Vol. 71, No. 2, 737-774 (with M. S. O'Doherty)
- "Asset-pricing anomalies at the firm level," Journal of Econometrics, 2015, Vol. 186, No. 1, 113-128 (with M. S. O'Doherty)
- PhD in Finance, University of Iowa, 2011