Yong Liu
Vice Dean, Programs and Strategic Initiatives
Director, HSLopez School of Business Analytics
HSLopez Endowed Chair
Professor of Marketing

McClelland Hall 320U
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Competitive strategies for business and nonprofits
Firm strategies during product-harm crisis
Innovation and business models
Marketing strategies for media and cultural products, especially movie marketing
Social interactions and new media
Yong Liu joined the Eller College of Management in 2006. His areas of expertise are in quantitative analysis of customer insights and business strategy. Specific topics include digital marketing, innovation and business models, social interactions, media strategies, entertainment product marketing, product harm crisis and product recall strategies. Before coming to Eller, he was on the faculty at Syracuse University after earning his PhD in Business Administration (Marketing) from the University of British Columbia.
- MKTG 555A Business Experimentation and Analytics (MS Business Analytics)
- MKTG 579 Marketing of Innovation (Online MBA, Executive MBA, Eller Executive Education)
- MKTG 696 Marketing Models and Quantitative Marketing Research (PhD)
- MKTG 696 Conceptualization and Marketing Theory (PhD)
Teaching Interests
- Innovation and new product strategies
- Marketing analytics
- Business experimentation
- Business analytics
- Marketing research
- Competitive strategies
Professional Positions
- Co-Chair, Summer Marketing Workshop, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China, June, 2019.
- Chair, Business Research Forum, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, July, 2019.
- Co-Chair (Innovation and Product Strategy), China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), Guangzhou, China, July 2019.
- Organizing Committee Member, China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), Shanghai, China, July 2018
- Track Chair, Product Policy and Product Recall Strategies, China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), Shanghai, China, July 2018
- Chair of Entertainment Analytics Track, INFORMS 2016 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, November 2016
- Co-chair (Media & Entertainment Track), American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference, February 2016
- Chair of Program Committee, Binhai International Research Forum in Management Science, Tianjin, China, June 2016, 2015, 2014
- Chair of Program Committee, Research Forum on Marketing, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China, June 2013, 2011, 2009
- Faculty Coordinator, The Lisle & Roslyn Payne University of Arizona/Arizona State University Research Symposium, Tucson, AZ, April 2013
- Co-chair (Marketing Research and Technology Track), American Marketing Association Summer Educator’s Conference, August 2009
Visiting Positions
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, multiple time periods.
- Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China, 2019 (October-November).
- China-Europe International Business School, Shanghai, China, 2018 (December).
- Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), China, 2017 (May-July).
- University of Sydney, Australia, 2015 (May-June).
Selected Recent Publications
- “What Happens When Platforms Disclose the Purchase History Associated with Product Reviews?” Decision Support Systems, forthcoming. (with M. Liu, X. Zeng and C. Zhang)
- “Winning Seats: Contingency Selling in Markets with Limited Capacity and Diverse Preferences,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming. (with P. Wang and B. Ghosh)
- “Marketing Strategies in Reward-based Crowdfunding: The Role of Demand Uncertainties,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming. (with P. Wang and B. Ghosh)
- “Modeling Behavioral Dynamics in Digital Content Consumption: An Attention-Based Neural Point Process Approach with Applications in Video Games,” Marketing Science, 2024. (with J. Yin and Y. Feng)
- “Impacts of Chief Marketing Officer in product recalls,” Marketing Letters, 2023, October: 1-13. (with X. Liu, T. Luo and R. Wang)
- “How Incumbents Beat Disruption? Evidence from Hotel Responses to Home Sharing,” Production and Operations Management (POM), 2023, 32(9): 2758-2774. (with J. Liu, K. Xie and W. Chen)
- “The downsides of specialization: the impact of business incubator’s specialization on startups’ R&D efficiency and venture capital financing,” R&D Management, 2023, 54 (1), 39-59. (with Z. Cao, L. Cunningham and W. Gao)
- “Social Capital, Phone Call Activities and Borrower Default in Mobile Micro-lending,” Decision Support Systems, 2022, 159 (August), 113802. (with W. Gao, H. Yin and Y. Zhang)
- “Location-Aware Real-time Recommender Systems for Brick-and-Mortar Retailers,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2021, 33 (4): 1259-1684. (with D. Zeng, P. Yan and Y. Yang)
- “Branding Cultural Products in International Markets: A Study of Hollywood Movies in China,” Journal of Marketing, 2020, 84 (3): 86-105. (with W. Gao, L. Ji and Q. Sun)
- “Media Coverage of Climate Change and Sustainable Product Consumption: Evidence from Hybrid Vehicle Market,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2019, 56 (6): 995-1011. (with Y. Chen, M. Ghosh and L. Zhao)
- “Effectiveness of Reputation in Contracting for Customized Production: Evidence from Online Labor Markets,” Management Science, 2018, 64 (1): 345-359. (with M. Lin and S. Viswanathan)
- “What Drives a Firm's Choice of Product Recall Remedy? The Impact of Remedy Cost, Product Hazard and the CEO,” Journal of Marketing, 2016, 80 (3): 79-95. (with X. Liu and T. Luo)
- “Social Learning in Networks of Friends versus Strangers,” Marketing Science, 2015, 34 (4): 573-589. (with J. Zhang and Y. Chen)
Selected Awards and Honors
- Eller College Suzanne Cummins Professional MBA (Chandler, AZ) Teaching Award, 2023
- University of Arizona Foundation Eugene G. Sander Faculty Fundraising Award, 2022-23
- The 52nd AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Faculty, University of Iowa, 2017
- The 51st AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Faculty, University of Notre Dame, 2016
- Eller College Dean's Course Innovation Award, 2016
- Eller College Dean's Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, 2015
- University of Arizona Honors College Outstanding Thesis Advisor Award, 2015
- Executive MBA Faculty Award for Outstanding Module, 2010-2011
- Journal of Retailing Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2011
- Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award Runner-up, 2011
- Management Science Meritorious Service Award, 2009
- Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar, 2007
- PhD in Marketing, University of British Columbia