Balint Horvath

Lecturer in Finance
Balint Horvath

McClelland Hall 307
1130 E. Helen St. 
P.O. Box 210108 
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108

Areas of Expertise

Financial Economics
International finance

Balint Horvath joined the Eller College of Management in 2022. Before that he was Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol in the UK and visited the World Bank in 2014. His area of expertise include financial intermediation, regulation and international finance.



  • FIN 422 Risk Management and Derivatives - Fall/Spring
  • FIN 452 Special Topics: Current Topics in Banking and Finance - Spring
  • FIN 522 Advanced Risk Management and Derivatives - Fall
  • FIN 524 Applied Risk Management - Spring
  • FIN 552 Special Topics: Current Topics in Banking and Finance - Fall



  • PhD in Economics, Tilburg University 2015
  • MRes in Economics, Tilburg University
  • MSc in Finance, Corvinus University of Budapest