Mark Stegeman
Associate Professor of Economics

McClelland Hall 401FF
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Game theory
Industrial Organization
Microeconomic theory
Mark Stegeman’s areas of expertise include microeconomic theory, game theory and industrial organization. He earned his PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- ECON 200 Basic Economics Issues
- "Advertising in Competitive Markets," American Economic Review 81:210-223 (1991).
- "Sufficient Conditions for Inessentiality," Econometrica 61:613-27 (1993).
- "Participation Costs and Efficient Auctions," Journal of Economic Theory 71:228-259 (1996).
- "Comment on 'Learning, Mutation, and Evolution in Games'" (with Paul Rhode), Econometrica 64:443-49 (1996).
- "Sequential Procurement Auctions with Subcontracting" (with Ian Gale and Donald Hausch), International Economic Review 41:989-1021 (2000).
- "Non-Nash Equilibria of Darwinian Dynamics" (with Paul Rhode), International Journal of Industrial Organization 19:415-454 (2001).
- "Sequential Auctions with Endogenous Valuations" (with Ian Gale), Games and Economic Behavior, 36:74-103 (2001).
- "Rigid Monopoly Prices," Advances in Applied Microeconomics (vol. 9, pp. 231-65), M. Baye, ed., Elsevier Science (New York), 2000.
- "Existence and Uniqueness of Maximal Reductions Under Iterated Strict Dominance" (with Martin Dufwenberg), Econometrica 70:2007-23 (2002).
- "Stochastic Darwinian Equilibria in Small and Large Populations" (with Paul Rhode), Games and Economic Behavior 49:171-214 (2004).
- “Leadership and Information” (with Mana Komai and Ben Hermalin), forthcoming American Economic Review.
- PhD in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology