Caleb Warren

McClelland Hall 320N
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Caleb thinks, writes and teaches as an associate professor in the Marketing Department.
He thinks about what makes things funny, what makes things cool and what helps people reach their goals.
He writes about these ideas in academic journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Psychological Science and the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.
He teaches consumer behavior (enthusiastically), digital marketing (reluctantly) and writing (experimentally).
Current Research
- Consumer behavior
- MKTG 423 Digital Marketing (undergraduate course)
- MKTG 450 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 531 Digital Marketing (graduate course)
MKTG 699 Writing Research (PhD course)
- Warren, N. & Warren, C. 2023. Trying Too Hard or Not Trying Hard Enough: How Effort Shapes Status. Journal of Consumer Psychology. Conditionally Accepted.
- Hodges, B., Estes, Z., & Warren, C. 2023. Intel Inside: The Linguistic Properties of Effective Slogans. Journal of Consumer Research. Forthcoming. (Equal authorship)Heuller, C., Reimann, M., Warren, C. 2023. When Financial Platforms Become Gamified, Consumers’ Risk Preferences Change. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research. Forthcoming.
- Heuller, C., Reimann, M., Warren, C. 2023. When Financial Platforms Become Gamified, Consumers’ Risk Preferences Change. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research. Forthcoming.
- Patel, M. S., et al. 2022. A Randomized Trial of Behavioral Nudges Delivered Through Text Messages to Increase Influenza Vaccination Among Patients with an Upcoming Primary Care Visit. American Journal of Health Promotion.
- Milkman, K., et al. 2022. A 680,000-person Megastudy of Nudges to Encourage Vaccination in Pharmacies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (6), e2115126119
- Warren, N., Farmer, M., Gu, T., & Warren, C. 2021. Marketing Ideas: How to Write Research Articles that Readers Understand and Cite. Journal of Marketing, 85, 42-57. (Equal authorship)
- Milkman, K., et al., 2021. A Mega-Study of Text-Based Nudges Encouraging Patients to Get Vaccinated at an Upcoming Doctor’s Appointment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (20), e2101165118.
- Warren, N., Farmer, M., Gu, T., & Warren, C. 2021. Marketing Ideas: How to Write Research Articles that Readers Understand and Cite. Journal of Marketing, 85, 42-57. (Equal authorship)
- Warren, C., Barsky, A. & McGraw, A.P. 2021. What Makes Things Funny? An Integrative Review of the Antecedents of Laughter and Amusement. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 25, 41-65.
- Pezzuti, T., Leonhardt, J.M., & Warren, C. 2021. Certainty in Language Increases Consumer Engagement on Social Media. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 53, 32-46.
- Warren, C. & Reimann, M. 2019. Crazy-Funny-Cool Theory: Divergent Reactions to Unusual Product Designs. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4, 409-421. (Equal authorship)
- Warren, C., Batra, R., Loureiro, S., Bagozzi, R. 2019. Brand Coolness. Journal of Marketing 83, 36-56. (First two authors equal contribution)
- Warren, C., Carter, E. P. & McGraw, A. P. 2019. Being Funny is Not Enough: The Influence of Perceived Humor and Negative Emotional Reactions on Brand Attitudes. International Journal of Advertising, 38, 1025-1045.
- Warren, C. & Mohr, G. S. 2019. Ironic Consumption. Journal of Consumer Research, 46, 246-266.
- Warren, C. Barsky, A. & McGraw, A.P. 2018. Humor, Comedy, and Consumer Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 45, 529-552.
- Warren, C. Pezzuti, T. & Koley S. 2018. Is Being Emotionally Inexpressive Cool? Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28, 560-577.
- Warren, C. & McGraw, A.P. 2016. When Do Humorous Marketing Communications Hurt Brands? Journal of Marketing Behavior, 2, 39-67.
- Warren, C. & McGraw, A.P. 2016. Differentiating What Is Humorous From What Is Not. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110, 407-430.
- Warren, C. & McGraw, A.P. 2015. Opinion: What Makes Things Humorous.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 7105-6.
- Campbell, M.C. & Warren, C. 2015. Goal Monitoring: When One Step Forward Seems Larger Than One Step Back. Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 1316-31. (Equal authorship)
- McGraw, A. P., Warren, C., & Kan, C. 2015. Humorous Complaining. Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 1153-71.
- Bauman, C.W., McGraw, A.P., Bartels, D. & Warren, C. 2014. Revisiting External Validity: Concerns about Trolley Problems and Other Sacrificial Dilemmas in Moral Psychology. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8/9, 536-54.
- Warren, C. & Campbell, M. C. 2014. What Makes Things Cool? How Autonomy Influences Perceptions of Coolness. Journal of Consumer Research. 41, 543-563. *Winner of the Robert Ferber Award
- McGraw, A.P., Williams, L.E., & Warren, C. 2014. The Rise and Fall of Humor: Psychological Distance Modulates Humorous Responses to Tragedy.
- Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 566-572
- McGraw, A.P., Warren, C., Williams, L.E., & Leonard, B. 2012. Too Close For Comfort or Too Far to Care? Finding Humor in Distant Tragedies and Close Mishaps. Psychological Science, 23, 1215-1223.
- Campbell, M.C. & Warren, C. 2012. A Risk of Meaning Transfer: Are Negative Associations More Likely to Transfer than Positive Associations. Social Influence, 7, 172-92. (Equal authorship)
- Warren, C., McGraw, A.P., Van Boven, L. 2011. Values and Preferences: Defining Preference Construction. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2, 193-205.
- McGraw, A. P. & Warren, C. 2010. Benign Violations: Making Immoral Behavior Funny. Psychological Science, 21, 1141-1149. (Equal authorship)
Professional Positions
Associate Editor
Journal of Marketing (2021-)
International Journal of Research in Marketing (2021-)
Editorial Review Board
Journal of Consumer Research (2015-)
Journal of Consumer Psychology (2019-)
Journal of Marketing (2019-2021)
Research Awards
Winner of the Ferber Award, Journal of Consumer Research, 2014.
Finalist for the Best Article Award, Journal of Consumer Research, 2014.
Finalist for the Hunt-Maynard award, Journal of Marketing, 2019.
Department of Marketing Research Excellence Award, 2021.
Outstanding Reviewer Award
Journal of Consumer Research (2018)
Journal of Marketing (2021)
Marketing Science Institute Grants
“Humorous Complaining,” January 2011 (w/ A. P. McGraw & C. Kan).
“On the Relationship Between Humor and Brand Attitude,” July 2010 (w/ A. P. McGraw).
Outstanding Marketing Instructor (Eller Award), 2021
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Atlanta, GA, June 2009
- PhD in Marketing from the University of Colorado, Boulder May 2010