Nooshin Warren

McClelland Hall 320X
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Nooshin Warren is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Arizona. Nooshin has received her Ph.D. in Marketing from Texas A&M University. Her research interest lies in the financial impacts of marketing strategies. Her recent work is focused on political marketing, cause marketing, and purpose-driven marketing. She substantially studies how corporate sociopolitical activism and purpose-driven marketing strategies can affect firms’ stakeholders such as their consumers, investors, competitors, and employees. Nooshin’s research has been published in top-tier marketing journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Academy of Marketing Science as well as prominent media outlets such as Forbes, Yahoo! News, the New York Times, and ABC News. She has presented her research on activism via AMA’s webinar for managers, ExecEd, Alliance Panel of Attorney General of Hawaii, and TEDx of Arizona. Her research on activism has received the AMA’s Paul Root prominent award for a research article with the most contribution to marketing practice in 2021.
- MKTG 440
- MKTG 525
- EvMBA510
Current Research
Warren, N. L. (2021) “Boycott or Buycott: The Aftermath of Corporate Activism” NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 13(2), 32-37.
Warren, Nooshin L., Matthew Farmer, Tianyu Gu, and Caleb Warren. "Marketing Ideas: How to Write Research Articles that Readers Understand and Cite." Journal of Marketing (2021):
Bhagwat, Yashoda, Nooshin L. Warren, Joshua T. Beck, and George F. Watson IV (2020) “Corporate Sociopolitical Activism and Firm Value”, Journal of Marketing, 84(5), 1–21.
Warren, Nooshin and Alina Sorescu (2017) “When 1+1>2: How Investors React to New Product Releases Announced Concurrently with other Corporate News,” Journal of Marketing, 81(2), 64-82.
Warren, Nooshin and Alina Sorescu (2017) “Interpreting the Stock Returns to New Product Announcements: How the Past Shapes Investors’ Expectations of Firms’ Innovative Output,” Journal of Marketing Research, 54(5), 799-815.
Sorescu, Alina, Nooshin Warren and Larisa Ertekin (2017) “Event Study Methodology in the Marketing Literature: An Overview,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(2), 186-207.
Working Papers
Activism in the Music Industry: Consequences for Product Management and Consumption - with Daniel Martinez and Yong Liu
The effect of Diversity on Box-Office: with Joshua Beck and Chi Tran
The Political Underpinnings of Customer Satisfaction with Global Brands: with Nathan Warren
Professional Associations
- American Marketing Association
- Association of Consumer Research
- University of Arizona Eller College Faculty Governance Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Product Development and Management Association
- AMA Marketing Strategy SIG
Review Board Member:
- Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
- Journal of Marketing Research
- International Journal of Research in Marketing
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
- Industrial Marketing Management
- Marketing Letters
Awards and Honors
- Marketing Department Research Award 2022 and 2023
- AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award Winner, 2020
- Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award Finalist, 2020
- Eller College of Management Research Award, 2020
- Eller College of Management Research Grant, 2018 and 2019
- Eller Undergraduate Marketing Faculty of the Year Award, 2019
- Marketing Strategy Consortium Young Faculty Fellow, 2019
- Finalist for JAMS Sheth Foundation Best Paper of 2017, 2018
- Eller Marketing Department Small Grant,2017
- Mays Business School recipient of Outstanding Research Award, 2016
- Sheth AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, London Business School, 2015
- Mays Business School Merit Award, 2014
- EMAC Best Paper of the Conference Based on a Doctoral Dissertation , 2014
- Texas A&M University PhD Excellence Fellowship, 2011-2016
- Mays Business School Marketing Department Research Scholarship, 2011-2016
- PhD in Business Administration-Marketing, Texas A&M University, 2016
- MBA, Sharif University of Technology
- BS in Industrial Engineering (System Dynamics Analysis), Sharif University of Technology