Jeff Jiewei Yu
Associate Professor of Accounting

McClelland Hall 301Q
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Debt contracting
Information Externalities
Short Selling
Jeff Yu joined the Eller College of Management in 2015. Previously, he was a tenure-track faculty member at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Southern Methodist University and Texas A&M University. His research focuses on economic effects of financial reporting in capital markets, and his areas of expertise include debt contracting, banking, short selling, and information externalities. He also served as a visiting financial economist at the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
- ACCT 451/551 Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 400B/500B Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Published Papers
- "The SEC's Short-Sale Experiment: Evidence on Causal Channels and Reassessment of Indirect Effects," with B. Black, H. Desai, K. Litvak, and W. Yoo. Management Science, forthcoming,
- “R&D Reporting Rule and Firm Efficiency,” with N. Bhattacharya, Y. Lord, and R. Venkataraman, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, forthcoming,
- “Do Conglomerates Operate More Efficiently than Single-Segment Firms?” with N. Bhattacharya and J. Sulaeman. The Singapore Economic Review 65 (5): 1237-1270, July 2020. Media mentioning by Financial Times.
- “Did Information Intermediaries See the Banking Crisis Coming from Leading Indicators in Banks’ Financial Statements?” with H. Desai and S. Rajgopal, Contemporary Accounting Research 33 (2): 576-606, Summer 2016.
- “Bank Loan Spread and Private Information: Pending Approval Patents,” with M. Plumlee, Y. Xie, and M. Yan. Review of Accounting Studies 20 (2): 593-638 (Lead Article), June 2015.
- "The Spillover Effect of Fraudulent Financial Reporting on Peer Firms’ Investment Efficiency,” with A. Beatty and S. Liao. Journal of Accounting and Economics 55 (2-3): 183-205, April-May 2013.
- “Short Arbitrage, Return Asymmetry and the Accrual Anomaly,” with D. Hirshleifer and S. Teoh. Review of Financial Studies 24 (7): 2429-2461, July 2011.
- “Conservatism and Debt,”with A. Beatty and J. Weber, Journal of Accounting and Economics 45 (2-3): 154-174 (Lead Article), August 2008.
- “Information Asymmetry in International Acquisitions: the Role of Information Institutions,” with Q. Zhou and J. Anand. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings: 1-6, 2007.
Awards and Research Grants
- Most Valuable Faculty Award, School of Accountancy, 2020
- American Accounting Association FARS Section Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2020
- Pace Setters Research Award, Fisher College of Business, 2007
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Doctoral Case Competition National Winner, 2006
- CIBER Global Competence Research Grant Winner (2004, 2005 and 2006)
- PhD, The Ohio State University, 2007