Gondy Leroy

McClelland Hall 430W
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Gondy Leroy is Professor in MIS and Associate Dean for Research at the University of Arizona. Before coming to Eller in 2013, she joined Claremont Graduate University after earning her PhD in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona in 2003. Her research focuses on natural language processing and machine learning with a practical and positive impact. Current example projects are the creation of an online editor for text and audio simplification and automated annotation of behaviors matching diagnostic criteria of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in EHR. She has won grants from NIH, AHRQ, NSF, Microsoft Research, and several foundations totaling $5.7M as principal investigator, and another $2.1M as co-investigator. She earned a BS/MS degree (1996) in experimental psychology from the University of Leuven (1996) in Belgium and a MS (1999) and PhD (2003) degree in management information systems from the University of Arizona. In addition to her research, she wrote the book “Designing User Studies in Informatics” (Springer, 2011) and is an active contributor to increasing diversity and inclusion, e.g., through her “Tomorrow’s Leaders Equipped for Diversity” program at the Eller College of Management.
- Deep Target NLP Research Group
- Cognitive Science - Graduate Interdisciplinary Program
- Health Aging Innovations
- Valley Fever Center for Excellence
- Bio5
- Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare
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- MIS 545 Data Mining for Business Intelligence
- MIS 611D Topics in Data and Web Mining (doctoral seminar).
- MIS 506 Healthcare Information Technology (online)
- PhD, The University of Arizona, 2003