Consortium for environmentally resilient business
A thought-leadership hub uniting experts in environmental economics, sustainable business practices, and energy consumption.
Consortium For Environmentally Resilient Business (CERB) is operated by Co-Directors, Affiliated Scholars, and Doctoral Students at The University of Arizona who will conduct research and provide the academic and business community with enhanced capability. Focusing on climate change challenges, CERB brings together the academic, business, and policy communities to advance knowledge, develop the next generation of leaders in the field, and improve regulation and policymaking.
Consortium members join a cooperative effort to support research in environmental economics and sustainable business practices. The university environment provides a platform to perform research on the economic implications of a changing climate and influencing policymaker responses to decision-making in regard to renewable energy development, financial markets, transportation networks, and investment in resilient infrastructure.
Key Questions We Aim to Address:
- How much does climate change cost utility companies, businesses, and the regional economy?
- What is the value of information on environmental threats, and how does it drive decision-making and profits?
- How can enhanced monitoring prepare utilities for climate change impacts?
- What incentives and monitoring are needed for a resilient electricity system?
1st Annual CERB Symposium
- Wildfire Implications: Panelists explored implications of wildfire risk for insurance markets, cost recovery, and policy design.
- Ensuring Grid Reliability: This panel explored how to tackle challenges posed by intermittent renewables, changing demand, and environmental risks, focusing on new technologies, regulatory approaches, and market solutions.
- Balancing Affordability and Sustainability: The final panel tackled how to balance load growth, clean energy, demands, and risk management while keeping electricity affordable.

Partner Members
General Members
Affiliate Scholars