Pierpaolo Battigalli, Professor of Microeconomic Theory and Game Theory, Head of the Department of Decision Sciences of Bocconi University
Noisy Signals about Emotions
This event is part of Martin Dufwenberg's behavioral class (696B), but made "open" such that anyone is invited. The topic will be “Noisy Signals About Emotions.” The presentation will be quite technical, but if you attend it will give you an angle of something of interest to scholars who work within the framework of psychological game theory (PGT).
What is PGT, you may wonder? If so, take a look at Pierpaolo’s and my recent JEL-review/survey+, a reading of which would be a good prep for attending the IBE event on Friday:
Pierpaolo is a leading game theorist who did all sorts of cool work on not only PGT but also epistemic game theory, contract theory, and also some experimental work. He has visited our department many times in the past and it is now exciting to have him back again. Check out his website: