Master’s of Finance (MSF)
Finance Department; Eller College of Management
The University of Arizona
Master’s Project Proposal and Agreement
Please complete this form and obtain signatures of approval by April 8, 2022. This form is for department records and is used to assign a Ph.D. advisor / instructor and topic for your master’s project.
By signing this form, student acknowledges that he or she has one calendar year from the completion of the required 30 hours of coursework for the MMF degree to complete the master’s project. If the project is not completed within that time, the student may receive an E grade for the project and be ineligible (per UA Graduate College requirements) to receive a master’s degree.
Course Information: FIN909, 6 credit units over the course of the summer, including Summer 1 and Summer 2 sessions.
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact