Former Borders Graduate Student Excels

Jeff Jenkins earned his doctoral degree from The University of Arizona in Management Information Systems in May 2013, and is currently an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Brigham Young University. While completing his PhD in this HS-STEM field, Dr. Jenkins was a Research Associate for the BORDERS center at the University of Arizona. His dissertation was titled, “Alleviating Insider Threats: Mitigation Strategies and Detection Techniques”. It focuses on creating a mass-deployable rapid-screening tool to help identify people who pose a security threat to organizations. It also examines how to enhance the effectiveness of security policies. This research has implications for improving homeland security, identifying threats to government agencies, and improving security in commercial organizations. Dr. Jenkins’ continuing research focuses on creating more effective and adaptive security systems.
While earning his PhD under the direction of the BORDERS center, he was a co-author on 8 peer-reviewed journal publications, 18 conference articles, and 5 conference posters, 2 of which were at the DHS University Program Summit. During his tenure as a BORDERS Research Associate, he was also awarded the NSF graduate research fellowship—a fellowship that recognizes outstanding graduate research in STEM-related fields.