Eller's Consulting and Investments Club Explores Firms in the Big Apple
Meeting with Eller alumni and other professionals at the companies provided students with insights about each of the firms and their recruiting processes.
Students in the UA Consulting and Investments Club traveled to New York City in early October. “The purpose of this trip was for students to become familiar with a variety of major consulting firms and network with professionals—especially alumni—in the consulting field,” said Natalie Scibilia, an accounting and business economics major. The idea was to preview “real-life” after college and get some insight into a competitive field of interest.
“We also want to maintain our visibility with alumni and build other connections in the industry,” said finance major Ryan Shumway. “Many of us took extra meetings with the connections we made on the trip, and besides the near-term goal of us learning about the industry and securing jobs, this kind of outreach will help develop meaningful, long-lasting professional connections for us and Eller as a whole.”
Over the span of their five-day trip, the students visited Capco, Deloitte, Accenture, KatesKesler, and others. “Between firm visits, we were able to have ‘coffee chats’ and got to speak on a more personal level,” said accounting major John Mitzel.
“Past participants in this trip can trace how they got a job on Wall Street back to it,” Shumway added. “I wanted to use this experience to broaden my knowledge of opportunities on Wall Street as well as make sure I build the kinds of alumni connections that will last throughout my career.”
“Meeting with Eller alumni and other professionals at the companies also provided me with insights about each of the firms and their recruiting processes,” Scibilia said. She expects to use those insights when she begins to apply for internships, and later, for full-time employment.
In the end, each student took something away from this trip. Shumway was able to see the culture differences between the firms they met with and left ready to stay in touch with banks he had not considered before. The trip confirmed for Mitzel that consulting is the right choice for him and wants to continue to network and possible work in the field one day. Scibilia was motivated to continue to pursue her passion for consulting and said she now sees New York as “the best place to launch a successful consulting career.”