Microsoft and Fresnillo Turn to Eller Executive Education for Leadership Development

Microsoft is developing a global network of cloud computing centers; Fresnillo seeks leadership training for mining executives.
TUCSON, Ariz. – August 24, 2017 – Two international corporations are turning to the University of Arizona Eller Executive Education (EEE) program to provide leadership training for its executives. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) and Fresnillo (FNLPF) are the latest companies to sign on with EEE, joining a growing list of organizations that see the value in partnering with the prestigious business school’s executive education program.
EEE Assistant Dean Joe Carella said emerging and seasoned leaders face challenges in a world of digital disruption, complex and global value chains, a volatile stock market, political and social unrest and more.
“Microsoft is developing a global network of cloud computing centers, and the customized program at Eller will help develop inclusive leaders who know how to drive high-performing teams while drawing from the talent of the diverse communities they live in,” said Carella. “At a time when tech companies are struggling with creating inclusive workspaces, Microsoft is taking a proactive stance to address this industry issue.”
Fresnillo is the world’s leading silver producer and one of Mexico’s largest gold producers. The multibillion-dollar, global precious metals group has tasked EEE with developing leaders who understand the role that ethics play in creating better communities where Fresnillo operates.
“We are developing a unique assessment tool to help identify where leadership gaps exist among Fresnillo leaders,” Carella said. “This will help us customize a training program to help Fresnillo improve the economic, social and environmental living conditions of the communities where the company operates.”
With its main offices on Eller’s recently expanded downtown Phoenix campus, EEE creates opportunities for business enhancement and leadership development in Arizona, the U.S. and abroad.
In April 2017, EEE launched a High Impact Leadership Development program aimed at industries in disruption. The five-day immersive experience provides executives with insight on how to create agile organizations that can tackle today’s business disruptions. Participating companies have included Yahoo, Grupo Mexico and Charles Schwab. The next program will take place Oct. 30 - Nov. 4.
“EEE programs prepare organizations and managers to tackle the challenges of doing business today and the exponential growth opportunities that disruption offers. Our faculty and coaches support the executives long after they have left the classroom. Creating lasting impact and transformational experiences is where we excel,” Carella said.
In May, Financial Times included the Eller Executive Education program in its prestigious rankings for the first time. The EEE ranked No. 4 overall in the Western United States, behind Stanford, UCLA and Thunderbird School of Global Management.
The EEE also conducts ongoing, free webinars that deliver insight in today’s volatile business environment.
To learn more about Eller Executive Education, visit