Dream Job Spotlight – Alex Gibson, Siemens

Alex Gibson is an MIS, Management, and Entrepreneurship major and graduating in May 2018. After graduation, Alex will be working in the Commercial Project Management Program at Siemens.
What is the position you have accepted? Commercial Project Management Development Program Participant
How did you find this position? I visited them at the Fall Eller Expo to learn more about the position after I did some research online.
Tell us about the process of interviewing with this company. After talking to them at the Eller Expo, they asked if I would do an in-person interview the next day and after that first interview, they emailed me a couple of weeks later asking to do another interview over the phone. The interview questions were mostly behavioral questions with some questions related to different tasks you would be doing on the job. The whole process took about 4 weeks to complete.
What previous experience have you had that you think contributed to your success securing this position? (ex. campus involvement, leadership, past internship) I think that it was a combination of my involvement, leadership and my past internship. This position will require some thinking on your feet and knowing how to lead a team so I believe that my leadership was the biggest reason for securing this positions since it demonstrates that I can lead a variety of people in many different areas.
What are you most looking forward to about your position/company? I am most looking forward to the travel aspect of this position. My position is a rotational program where I will move 4 times in 2 years and Siemens is a global company so I am excited to travel for different projects and see Siemens’ global impact first hand.
Any word of advice you could give to your fellow Eller Students? My biggest piece of advice for Eller Students is to get involved in any way that you can: from getting a job or joining a club because these involvements can lead to leadership opportunities that companies like to see. Also, getting involved gives you experiences that will help answer interview questions and give you the experience of working with others.