Internship Spotlight – Jeremy Yampolsky, Arizona Diamondbacks

Jeremy Yampolsky is a Business Management major graduating in May 2020. This summer he interned for the Arizona Diamondbacks as part of the Sales Development Staff in Phoenix, Arizona.
How did you get this internship?
I found the internship on I filled out the application, went through the interview process, and then accepted their offer to be a part of their Sales Development Staff for the summer.
What was a typical day like?
Each day was different than the next, which I enjoyed. Some days, we would call single game ticket buyers and get to know them a little better so that we could see what ticket package would fit them best for the rest of the current season or next season.
What was your favorite part of the experience?
My favorite part about the experience was being able to talk to anyone in any department. The Diamondbacks have a very open door policy and encourage their interns to talk with people I’m different fields to see if they are interested in something other than sales. Also, every week, we would have a guest speaker from a different department come and discuss what they do for the Diamondbacks which then turned into a Q&A.
What did you find most challenging about your internship?
What I found most challenging was overcoming the objections that people would use over the phone when pitching them an exclusive tour of Chase Field.
What advice do you have for other students looking for a similar internship?
If you haven’t been on yet, get on it. It is where almost every sports organization posts their job opportunities. Also, don’t be afraid to try new things within your position. Someone will notice and tel you that you’re either doing a good job or suggest another way to be successful.
How did Eller prepare you for your internship?
Eller’s group work prepared me for this internship because we would divide up into teams and have competitions. Communication between team members was key and it was something I learned during my first semester in Eller.