Internship Spotlight – Cameron Allen, Bloomberg BNA

Cameron Allen is a Business Economics and Entrepreneurship major set to graduate in December 2020. This summer he interned for Bloomberg as a Legal Sales Intern in Washington, D.C.
How did you get this internship?
I met the recruiter at a sales competition I competed in my sophomore year through the Eller Professional Sales Club. I was unable to intern that summer because they were looking for rising seniors so when the time came around I was chosen as one of the lucky ones to get an interview. For my position, they only hired 4 interns across the country and two of them came from Eller!
What was a typical day like?
I would leave our dorm that they housed us in and walk 10 minutes to the train station and head directly to work. First thing I would do is grab a bite to eat in our food station that they had on the bottom floor and then head up to my desk on the 9th floor. We went through a rotational internship so our days varied depending on what side of the business we were working on. Typically I would start the day of sending/checking emails and going on check-up meeting with managers or reps in the field. Before and after lunch I would be calling on clients, trying to set meetings with lawyers, CPAs, general counsel or HR professionals.
What was your favorite part of the experience?
Honestly the fact that I was living in the middle of our nations capital was my favorite part! I was very close to so much that I never ran out of things to do! All the interns and professionals on the job that I got to meet this year made the experience one of a kind as well! We joined a kickball league and got to play kickball with our coworkers on the National Mall, got to meet upper management and got to work closely with reps that were out on the field!
What did you find most challenging about your internship?
Sales is always challenging. It pushes you to find new ways to communicate with people and really gets you out of your comfort zone!
What advice do you have for other students looking for a similar internship?
This is a once in a lifetime experience and it was the best 10 weeks of my life! Don’t be afraid to take a risk and try something that is really going to push you. Be open-minded and always come prepared to learn something!
How did Eller prepare you for your internship?
I got a lot of communication skills from my BCOM class that were very valuable to me when I was calling on people!