Eller Undergrad Student’s Distinct Innovation Makes Headlines


Toilet paper is in the news again—but this time not because of hoarding.

Kunal Shamdasani ’23 BSBA (Finance) caught Tucson’s CBS affiliate KOLD’s attention when he entered the Tech Launch Arizona Student Innovation Challenge with a very distinct idea—non-clogging toilet paper.

Shamdasani was featured in a September 24 KOLD clip where he gave some insight on why he decided to enter this intriguing product in the competition.

“First of all, this is going to be cost-effective for you,” says Shamdasani. “Secondly, it’s not going to clog your toilets. So it’s the easiest way to make sure you don’t have clogged toilets in the future.

Shamdasani was named a finalist in the competition and is now looking to work with different materials and companies to create a prototype of the product.