Internship Spotlight: Kiana Nakamura, EY

Kiana Nakamura is an Accounting major graduating in the spring of 2022. This past summer she interned at EY as a Technology Risk Intern in Honolulu, Hawaii.
What was the process for getting this internship, job, or summer experience?
I networked with Campus Recruiters for Ernst & Young during the Spring Semester of 2021. I expressed my interest in internship opportunities for all service lines and was offered to apply for the Consulting service line internship.
What was a typical day like?
The beginning of my day started with checking emails and getting caught up on pings from my team and clients. Throughout the day, I would attend meetings with my team and our client to assess the progress of our work and request for documents, followed by the testing of controls and revising testing procedures. We would end the day with status meetings and touch base meetings to discuss the plans for the next day/week.
What was your favorite part of the experience?
My favorite part of the experience was getting to do actual work for the clients and expanding my network by working with real professionals that our firm services.
What did you learn?
I learned a lot about the processes and procedures within the financial services industry along with the security operations for a business that most people probably don't think about.
What advice do you have for other students looking for a similar experience, or advice for future students to be successful?
Don't be afraid to network with campus recruiters, that is the best way to get your foot in the door. Even if you are not sure what service line you want to pursue whether it's assurance, advisory, or tax, just network with professionals and ask them about their experiences. When you think you might like something, just take a chance and try it out.
How did Eller prepare you for this experience?
Eller connected me with the right people to talk to by hosting the Eller Expo, etc. Those networking events helped me find an opportunity in my home state (Hawaii) even though I was hundreds of miles away attending school in Arizona. Whatever kind of opportunities you are looking for, Eller can make it happen.