Finding A Home In Eller: Kyrah Hughley ’22 BSBA (MIS, Business Management, Entrepreneurship)

Kyrah Hughley ’22 BSBA (MIS, Business Management, Entrepreneurship) is in many ways your average Eller student—meaning she continues to excel despite the many challenges she has overcome.
In fact, Hughley is triple majoring while also actively involved in the Eller African American community. Additionally, she has two campus jobs and volunteers in her free time with Eller’s case competitions and Eller Make a Difference Day. Her effort has been rewarded with a variety of scholarships such as the Zipperman’s, Kevin Woon and Jason Terry scholarships.
However, Hughley’s experience at Eller has not been all positive. “It’s a challenge to see a lack of representation in Eller,” she says. “At first, it was hard for me to go to class and to work and to see maybe only two other people who looked like me all week.” This deterred her from wanting to become more involved in the school.
Eventually, one of her friends and classmates convinced her to go to an Eller African American Honorary meeting. She says that after a few meetings, she realized that this club is where she feels at home.
Hughley said attending these meetings were a huge help both inside and outside the classroom. “I matured a lot while also learning responsibility,” she says.
Both of Hughley’s parents were in the U.S. Navy—on top of that, her father owns a restaurant in Hawaii. From him, Hughley inherited a “workaholic” trait—she and her siblings worked in the restaurant growing up—and entrepreneurial streak.
“I really look up to my father,” she says. “He taught me to love the type of work I choose. He’s been a positive role model for my entire family.”
While Hughley doesn’t see herself running a restaurant in the future, she does hope to work for a nonprofit or in human resources. She adds: “Volunteering brings me joy, so I would always like to make time for that. I love making a positive impact in people’s lives.”
Hughley believes her future really starts with the steps she’s taking now to help achieve her longer-term goals. And she knows she wouldn’t be in Eller at all if it wasn’t for her family and the Eller African American Honorary.
“I have an amazing support system at home and with EAAH,” she says.