Internship Spotlight: Liam Gill, Western Alliance Bank


Liam Gill '23 BSBA (Business Economics) was an Intern at Western Alliance Bank in Phoenix, AZ.

Tell us a little bit about how you landed the internship:

I landed the internship by applying for it through LinkedIn and then telling a friend that I knew worked here about it. He then put in a referral for me.

What was a typical day at your internship like?

A typical day at WAB would be wake up at 6:30am and drive 45 minutes to the office. Get there around 8:00am and then make a cup of coffee and fill my water. After that, I would open Teams and check my email to catch up on any communication I might have missed. After that, I am usually working on 1-4 excels at once as well as doing some queries in sequel in order to effectively use all of the data needed to create a good model. 

What was your favorite part of the internship?

My favorite part of the internship was getting to learn new software and an entire industry that I thought I would be interested in, and then after learning it confirming that I am interested in the field that I chose. 

What are a few things you learned?

I learned several new functions in excel that I did not already know, as well as learning sequel and how to make databases and data tables. Not only this but also learning the balance sheet of a bank and how their accounting works.

How did Eller prepare you for your internship?

Eller helped prepare me for this internship in many ways. The BCOM courses made sure I was successful in all of my communication for landing the internship whereas all of the course work made it so that I could stand out in a large pool of applicants because we are extremely well rounded in all aspects of business.