Eller Sales Club Competes in National Competitions
Eller Sales Club Participants at Indiana University from left: Luke Boss, Brandon Holmes, Lane Laurent, Max Davis

Eller Sales Club Participants at Indiana University from left: Luke Boss, Brandon Holmes, Lane Laurent, Max Davis
Although the department has recognized the importance of sales to the marketing process for some time by including two courses in within the discipline (Sales Communications and Sales Management), it has not been until recently that the department and its Eller Sales Club has participated in student competitions. Fall Semester representatives of the club competed in two national events—one at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN and other at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI.
Competitions usually take place over 2 days, corporately sponsored by a host company, and are held annually. Competitions typically involve a fictitious situation involving students making a series of sales presentations to sponsor judges who are themselves salespeople. In addition to the presentations themselves, some competitions involve other aspects of selling presentations. One such event is Speed Selling wherein the student makes a sales pitch about themselves similar to an Elevator Pitch to a recruiter.
Luke Boss, a Southern California marketing senior, received a second-place finish in the Bryant University Speed Selling competition.
The Sales Club plans to attend several competitions Spring Semester.