2023 Innovation Expo

On February 9, 2023, students from the McGuire Center of Entrepreneurship gathered at the University of Arizona Mall to showcase their new student ventures at the annual Innovation Expo as part of the McGuire New Venture Development Program.
Students present their ventures to students, faculty staff and potential investors from across the University campus with the hopes of receiving the most “McGuire Bucks” from spectators. The student group who gets the most “McGuire Bucks” then gets a cash prize of $500 to invest in their venture.
This year’s first, second and third place winners were:
1st Place Investors Choice:
Filtra—a company that provides high-fidelity earplugs to protect the hearing of individuals in the construction and manufacturing industries. The product preserves users’ hearing so they can forever year the conversations that matter most. The group was made up of Caroline Hudson, Reed Hamilton and Jarrett Medina.
2nd Place Investors Choice:
Good Game Gambling—a gambling software that allows players to stake a small amount of money to compete for a money pool through multiplayer lobbies of already existing videogames. Students in the group were Zack Bernstein, Dylan Valdez, Henry Pierzak and Alex Yoo.
3rd Place Investors Choice:
NexoTerra—a waste-to-value company that repurposes organic waste to create products that support a thriving market while fostering the use of sustainable practices. The group was made up of Elise Write, Andrew Arias, Max Smith, Alex Zonca and Harrison Frankl