Eller Students Among Poets&Quants Best and Brightest Business Majors

Each year, Poets&Quants recognizes 100 undergraduate seniors who stand out among their peers through their academic performance and excellence, exceptional leadership demonstrated in extracurricular activities, exhibited potential for future success and overall character.
Alexia Esquivel ’23 BSBA (Finance and MIS) and Carlos Armando Alvarez-Macias ’23 BSBA (Marketing) were both featured as part of the Poets&Quants 2023 Best and Brightest Business Majors.
Esquivel will be working at Ernst & Young as a technology consultant after she graduates. She says that her biggest lesson gained from studying business is the value of time. “Time is very important in many aspects,” she says. “It is important to take advantage of the time you have right now, think about the future strategically and always keep in mind that time is money.”
“Alexia’s involvement and commitment to students has been unwavering during the two years that I have known her,” says Kimberly Marchessault, senior lecturer of business communication and co-director of business communication at the Eller College of Management. “Due to her desire to help others, for the past three semesters, Alexia has served as a preceptor for students in the Business Communication course that I teach. Her approachability and talent for connecting with diverse students has enabled her to successfully mentor and lead. Students respect Alexia due to her helpful and thought-provoking feedback. Alexia is an invaluable addition to the class of 2023 because she consistently serves and lifts up those around her.”
Alvarez-Macias has enrolled in the Master of Science of Marketing at the Eller College and will be working as a graduate assistant for Student Assistance and Marketing in the University of Arizona Dean of Students Office after graduation. The biggest lesson he has learned from studying business is that working with anyone is one of the best life skills you can have. “Business is everywhere, requiring a team of people who specialize in certain areas,” he says. “Within marketing itself, society has many assumptions that make people believe it is easy to do and too general. Studying business has shown me that this is not the case; there are many avenues you can explore, like research, consumer behavior, and digital marketing.”
“Carlos is the ‘complete package’,” says Lilian Almeida, lecturer in marketing at the Eller College of Management. “Through his Eller experience, he was clearly able to grow in all desirable dimensions of a business professional. Not only did Carlos consistently demonstrate competence in all of his classes, but he also took advantage of multiple types of extra-curriculum activities and University roles to evolve as a professional and human being. He is intelligent, charismatic, caring, ambitious, and is always open to a lifelong learning approach.”