Alumni Spotlight: Nicholas Stavitski, Texas Instruments

Eller alumni Nicholas Stavitski '21 (Accounting) is an ASC Management Accountant at Texas Instruments in Dallas, Texas.
What do you enjoy most about your job or company?
The thing I enjoy most are my opportunities to make a difference. At Texas Instruments, our new college graduates typically begin their career in our Business and Operations rotation program. This program offers the chance for graduates to experience 3 distinct & unique roles across our Finance, Accounting, and Operations departments over the span of 3 years. This encompasses TI’s commitment to investing in our talent. Having been a member of this pipeline for two years, I’ve had countless opportunities to interact with leadership and take on projects that have a real impact on the business. Each day is a new challenge and I’m empowered to take ownership of my position.
Please share what led you to your current job/company (past experiences, networking, classes, multiple rounds of interviews, or anything you deem relevant)
In my first semester at the University of Arizona in 2017 I made the decision to dress myself in a suit far too large and attend the Eller Expo. I would make the commitment to attend each Expo each semester from then on. In doing so, I had the opportunity to speak to countless companies and recruiters. That said, Texas Instruments stood out to me due to the kindness, patience, and knowledge of the recruiters. After some research, I knew this was the path I wanted to go. After regularly re-introducing myself, that investment materialized into a summer internship and eventually a full time offer. Years later I have no regrets.
What advice do you have for Eller students seeking a similar career path?
Have faith in your path. I was one of few graduated who did not attend the Master’s program or go to a public firm. Trusting my gut was the best decision I could have made. Never forget that comparison is the thief of joy. You are setting down your own path for your career. The decisions you make today will materially affect the life you live tomorrow. So build the life that you want to live. The success I experienced was founded in discipline, not just motivation. From the day I was accepted into Eller, my goal was to graduate with a full time offer. Therefore, I made every preparation, sacrifice, and decision necessary. Always remember to look forward, not behind you or to your side.
Please share an Eller memory.
By far the greatest memory I have at Eller is returning back to campus as a talent selector for TI. Having the opportunity to catch up with old professors and add back to the Eller ecosystem was an honor. For me, the moment cemented my confidence in my career decision dating back to my Sophomore year when I decided to pursue accounting. The opportunity to be with the Eller community once again was a privilege that I will never forget.