Internship Spotlight: Daniela Ramirez, Grupo Isabella's

woman in nature

Daniela Ramirez '24 BSBA (Marketing & Global Business Minor) interned at Grupo Isabella's in Barcelona, Spain.


If you worked on a big project during your internship, please describe what you did to help. 

At Grupo Isabella’s, there was a change in menus in many restaurants that they work with. As I
am bilingual, I helped with the translation of all the menus from Spanish to English. I also helped
with translating email responses and talking to clients in English. 

What did you find most challenging about your internship?

Something I found challenging was how to manage my time. Managing time in an internship
abroad can be tough because you must balance work with your personal life. You want to
explore the new city, travel to nearby places, and make friends, but work deadlines and tasks
still need your attention. Juggling all these activities can make it hard to find enough time for
everything. Staying organized and planning are key to making sure you can enjoy your time
abroad while still meeting your work responsibilities.

What advice do you have for other students that are also considering interning abroad?

For students considering an internship abroad, I would advise them to embrace the opportunity
to step out of their comfort zone and be open to new experiences. Stay organized to balance
work with exploring your new surroundings. Try to connect with locals and other interns to build
a supportive network while also learning about the culture. Lastly, travelling and planning fun
activities to make the most of your time abroad while keeping your professional goals in focus.

How did Eller (or your previous coursework) prepare you for your internship?

Eller has prepared me for my internship by providing a solid foundation in business principles
and practical skills. The coursework emphasized real-world applications, teamwork, and
problem-solving, which are essential in a professional setting. Additionally, Eller’s focus on
leadership and communication has boosted my confidence in interacting with colleagues and