Reaching RDS Resources (PC)

Reaching RDS Resources (PC)



The MicroAge Lab maintains a Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) infrastructure to broker access to Windows-based servers in the lab. These RDS components allow a user to work on these machines running on the lab's servers via a remote connection.

Launching RDS Resources from a PC

These instructions are for Windows-based PC users. Please instead see this page if you need instructions for connecting from a Mac.

1. Open the MicroAge Lab RDS web access site in your browser:

2. For the domain\user name, put catnet\<your NetID>. (For example, my userID is xiaol, so I put catnet\xiaol here). Make sure to put backslash here (not a forward slash); otherwise it will not work! For password, put your NetID password. Click Sign in.

Enter your NetID credentials into the RDS site.


3. Now you will log into the Work Resources RemoteApp and Desktops page. On this page, you will be presented a list of remote machines that you are permitted to access. To begin working with one of them (in this example, we're trying to access the MicroAge Lab Staff resource, but your resource would have a different name), click on it to download the .RDP file to your machine.

RDS screen that shows available resources.

4. After the file is successfully downloaded, click on it to launch.

Browser status bar shows that download of .RDP file is completed.

5. The Remote Desktop Connection will ask you to trust the connection. You can verify that the Remote computer is and the Gateway server is You may want to click the checkbox to not be prompted to verify the connection's publisher in the future. Click Connect to trust the connection and continue.

Remote Desktop Connection window prompting you to continue.

6. Input your catnet\<your NetID> and password again, same as step 2, then click OK. This will attempt the login process.

Login prompt where you enter your Catnet/NetID credentials.

7. Wait for the connection to be completed successfully. 

The remote desktop client attempting to connect to the resource.

Your RDS resource is now available to use.


More Information About Our RDS Resources

Some other things you should know about machines in our RDS system:

  • We apply idle session limits to our machines. This is similar to a screen lock; when a user does not interact with the remote resource screen for a period of time (for example, 30 minutes), the connection will be terminated but the session itself will still be running on the remote computer. A user can log back into the system to continue their work where they left off, so long as the session hasn't been disconnected for 2-3 days.
  • We apply disconnected session limits of 2-3 days, to allow for background patching and administrative activity to take place. This means that if you become disconnected from your session and don't reconnect within 2-3 days, you will be logged out, and any work still running won't be saved!
  • If you need additional users to have access to your machine(s) over the RDS, please contact us with a detailed support request. 
  • MicroAge Lab staff retains administrative access rights to all machines under our purview, but generally only use these when needed, and expect our administrative end-users to manage their own machines in accordance with our University's information security policies and with security best practices.


Technical Support

If you have questions or feedback on this guide, or are having trouble with the MIS department's software license systems, remote desktop services, or other systems, please contact the MIS Academic and Research Technologies Group by e-mailing Please include as many details as you can, and provide screenshots if necessary. We generally respond to support requests within 1-2 business days.

If you experience technical issues with your computer, you may want to contact The 24/7 IT Support Center. The 24/7 provides computing support to University of Arizona students, faculty and staff. You can find their contact information on the 24/7 IT Support Center webpage

If you do not know your NetID credentials, or are having trouble with the WebAuth system, please contact the 24/7 IT Support Center at 520-626-TECH.