Nathan Podsakoff
Department Head, Management and Organizations
Eller Professor

McClelland Hall 405JJ
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Employee citizenship/prosocial behavior
Influence and Leadership
Methods of organizational research
Organizational stress
Scholarly impact in the field of management
Nathan Podsakoff joined the Eller College of Management in 2007 after earning his PhD in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources from the University of Florida. He serves as the Head of the Department of Management and Organizations. His areas of expertise include employee citizenship and prosocial behavior, organizational stress, influence and leadership, scholarly impact in the field of management, and research methods in organizational research. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, and is a Fellow in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
- MGMT 575 The Science and Practice of Influence
- MGMT 601 Experimental Research Methods I
- MGMT 602 Experimental Research Methods II
Selected Publications
- Kim, S. McClean, E.M., Doyle, S.P., Podsakoff, N.P., Lin, E. & Woodruff, T. (2021). The positive and negative effects of social status on ratings of voice behavior: A test of opposing structural and psychological pathways. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Chawla, N., Gabriel, A.S., MacGowan, R., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2020). Unplugging or staying connected? Examining the nature, antecedents, and consequences of profiles of daily recovery experiences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 19-39.
- Gabriel, A.S., Podsakoff, N.P., Beal, D.J., Butts, M.M., Scott, B.A., Sonnentag, S., & Trougakos, J.P. (2019). Experience sampling methodology: A panel discussion on critical trends and considerations for scholarly advancement. Organizational Research Methods.
- Podsakoff, P.M., Podsakoff, N.P., Escue, C., & Mishra, P. (2019). Can early-career scholars conduct impactful research while trying to get tenure? Playing “small ball” vs. “swinging for the fences.” Academy of Management Learning & Education, 17, 496-531.
- Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., & Podsakoff, N.P. (Eds.). (2018). The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Methot, J.R., LePine, J.A., Podsakoff, N.P., & Christian, J.S. (2016). Are workplace friendships a mixed blessing? Exploring tradeoffs of multiplex relationships and their associations with job performance. Personnel Psychology, 69, 311-355.
- Podsakoff, N.P., Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Maynes, T.D., & Spoelma, T.M. (2014). Consequences of unit-level organizational citizenship behaviors: A review and recommendations for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, S87-S119.
- Podsakoff, N.P., Whiting, S.W., Welsh, D.W., & Mai, M. (2013). Surveying for artifacts: The susceptibility of the OCB--performance evaluation relationship to common rater, item, and measurement context effects. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 863-874.
- Whiting, S.W., Maynes, T. Podsakoff, N.P., & Podsakoff, P.M. (2012). Effects of context, source, and message characteristics on evaluations of employee voice behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 159-182.
- Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2012). Sources of method bias in social science research and recommendations on how to control it. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 539-569.
- MacKenzie, S.B., Podsakoff, P.M., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2011). Challenge-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors and organizational effectiveness: Do challenge-oriented behaviors really have an impact on the organization’s bottom line? Personnel Psychology, 64, 559-592.
- MacKenzie, S.B., Podsakoff, P.M., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2011). Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and behavior research: Integrating new and existing techniques. MIS Quarterly, 35, 293-334.
- Podsakoff, N.P., Podsakoff, P.M., & Kuskova, V.V. (2010). Dispelling misconceptions and providing guidelines for leader reward and punishment behavior. Business Horizons, 53, 3,291-303.
- Podsakoff, N.P., Whiting, S.W., Podsakoff, P.M., & Blume, B.D. (2009). Individual- and organizational-level consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 122-141.
- Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Podsakoff, N.P., & Bachrach, D.G. (2008). Scholarly influence in the field of management: A bibliometric analysis of university and author impact on the management literature during the past quarter century. Journal of Management, 34, 641-720.
- LePine, J.A., Podsakoff, N.P., & LePine, M.A. (2005). A meta-analytic test of the challenge stressor-hindrance stressor framework: An explanation for inconsistent relationships among stressors and performance. Academy of Management Journal, 48, 764-775.
- Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.M., Lee, J., & Podsakoff, N.P. (2003). Common method variance in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 879-903.
Professional Associations
- Academy of Management
- American Psychological Association
- Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Fellow)
Editorial Board Service
- Personnel Psychology (former Associate Editor)
- Academy of Management Journal
- Organizational Research Methods
Awards and Honors
- 2022 KOLD's Arizona Heart and Sol Award
- 2022 MGMT 575 course received Make-A-Wish Arizona's Donor of the Month Award (May)
- 2021 Academy of Management Journal’s Reviewer of the Year
- 2020 Eller Evening MBA “Most Valuable Professor” (Phoenix cohort) and “Favorite Core Course: MGMT 575” (Tucson & Phoenix cohorts)
- 2019 Runner Up for the Academy of Management Learning and Education’s 2018 Best Paper Award
- 2019 Department of Management & Organizations Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2018 Eller Evening MBA “Most Inspirational Instructor” (Tucson & Phoenix cohorts)
- 2018 Personnel Psychology’s 2016 Best Article Award
- 2018 Eller College of Management’s Dean’s Research Award for Associate Professors
- 2017 Academy of Management Journal’s Reviewer of the Year
- 2014 Academy of Management Research Methods Division/Sage Publications/CARMA’s Early Career Achievement Award
- 2010 Department of Management & Organizations Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2005 Co-recipient of the William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award (Best Paper in Industrial and Organizational Psychology)
- PhD, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, University of Florida
- AB, Psychology, Princeton University