Pete Zhou

Doctoral Student

McClelland Hall 320C


Areas of Expertise

Artificial Intelligence and Technology
Consumer well-being and culture
Social Influence

Pete Zhou is a doctoral candidate in marketing at the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management. Pete's research interests lie at the intersection of artificial intelligence, technology, social influence, and consumer well-being and culture. Using observational, experimental, and computational methods, a significant portion of his work investigates three pillar questions: who is using AI? How do we interact with AI systems? And what kind of evaluations do we have for AI-generated content? Pete’s work has been presented and published at various academic journals, conferences, and symposia, including the Association for Consumer Research and Society for Consumer Psychology, American Marketing Association, Annals of Tourism Research, and Tourism Management Perspectives.

Prior to joining the marketing Ph.D. program, Pete obtained his M.Phil. in management from Zhejiang University, China and then served as a full-time research assistant for the consumer and organizational behavior faculty at the Behavioral Research Lab, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Pete has been awarded numerous grants and scholarships, including the Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare Research Grant, the Lundgren Retail Collaborative Research Grant, and the GPSC Research and Project Grants


Yang, Bi*, Pete Pengcheng Zhou*, YooHee Hwang, Yujie (Jay) Zhao, and Anna Mattila, “The Role of Social Crowding in Pay-what-you-want Pricing” Annals of Tourism Research, 2023, 101, 103596. (*equal authorship)

Zhou, Pete Pengcheng, Mao-Ying Wu, Sebastian Filep, and Karin Weber, “Exploring well-being outcomes at an iconic Chinese LGBT event: A PERMA model perspective”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 2021, 40, 100905.