Alumni Profile | Todd Allen '99
Entrepreneurship | Marketing | Finance '99

Todd Allen grew up in San Diego prior to moving to Tucson, where he graduated from the University of Arizona in 1999 with majors in entrepreneurship, finance and marketing. Allen started his career with APPS San Diego as a market leader in January of 2005, and in 2014, he took over the role as Regional Director. APPS San Diego prides itself for its paramedical services, and Todd's passion for life insurance has led to his success in the business. Outside of work, Todd spends a great deal of time volunteering in the industry and within the community.
5 Questions with Todd Allen

President, APPS San Diego
Q. What is most surprising about being an entrepreneur?
A. The adjustment from conceptual risk tolerance, to the reality of risk tolerance.
Q. What was the most important lesson you learned in the entrepreneurship program?
A. The people and the relationship with them are the most important piece of the puzzle. All of the same things that go into a great marriage apply to a great business partnership.
Q. What impact has the Entrepreneurship Program had on your career of life?
A. The program gave me a framework and a set of tools to create and build a business. The experience went above and beyond books and lectures, and allowed for an environment of creativity. Trial and error were embraced, and allowed me to see failure as a badge of honor. My path would be completely different without the guidance and training I received.
Q. What do you consider your biggest entrepreneurial success?
A. I learned very early that your name and your reputation are all you have in the end. I am confident that my company is the best in the business, and I can quantify it by the numbers. More importantly, I can walk into any client's office and hear raves and positive reviews of the people that I work with and the excellent job they all perform. I consider what I do to be a benefit to my clients and society as a whole, and I enjoy the people I work with. I am proud of the work that we do as an organization, and I am proud that my name is attached to it.
Q. What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?
A. Risk equals reward, take opportunities while you're young, don't let fear rule your decision making. Listen to your gut and avoid getting caught up in the noise, make rational, well informed decisions, the name of the game is calculate risk. Find vetted, trustworthy partners and mentors, and live by the golden rule, it will pay off in the end.