Online Undergraduate Academic Policies

Online Undergraduate Academic Policies


Academic Policies and Procedures

As a University of Arizona student, you are expected to become familiar with and abide by the university-wide policies and procedures. You can find complete, up-to-date information at

Academic Integrity

Upon accepting admission to the University of Arizona, you immediately assumed a commitment to uphold the Code of Academic Integrity.   

Certain policies relating to academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and how to avoid such behaviors defined by the University of Arizona and the Eller College of Management are included herein by reference. Complete copies of these policies can be found online at:

The University of Arizona:

Any instances of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of E for the course in which the academic integrity violation occurred.

While it is our sincere hope that you will not engage in academic misconduct, it seems prudent to clarify in advance the policy on dishonest behavior.

Reminder: All Eller courses have a zero-tolerance policy on cheating.

We understand that there can be pressures for some students to cheat on exams or to plagiarize on their discussions or manuscripts. Cheating includes all actions whereby a student takes credit for work that they did not do.  This includes copying someone else's answers on exams, discussions or any class assignments.

Plagiarism is defined as any case where one person tries to take credit for the ideas or work of another. There should never be a situation in which two students turn in work that contains identical sentences or phrases. If, when completing a homework or lab assignment or preparing for an exam, you are unsure of whether something would constitute cheating or plagiarism, please ask the instructor. It is a fair (and interesting) question, but could be a costly error.

We will do what we can to discourage students in each Eller class from cheating. Please support one another and strive for academic integrity and honesty.  Please refrain from copying any part of your work from an assignment from a prior semester or from another student, or copying work from the Web. If the assignment does make reference to material (text, photo, or graphic) obtained from another source (including web-based sources), it must include proper attribution of the source.

All parties involved in any cheating or dishonest behavior will be guilty of an academic integrity violation (whether you benefited from the dishonest behavior or not).  You are responsible to make sure no one copies your work. It is your responsibility to delete copies of your work from public-use computers and not to allow another student to access your assignments.  We believe that cheating robs many people of learning the material as well as they would if they completed the work honestly. Please note: cheating of any sort will result in a failing grade. Again, if you have a question, please ask your instructor prior to submitting the assignment.

Class Attendance, Participation and Administrative Drops Policy

Students are expected to be regular and punctual in class attendance and to fully participate in the course. The University believes that students themselves are primarily responsible for attendance and class participation. Please refer to for related information. Due to the accelerated nature of Eller Online courses, if a student has not logged into the course page or misses the first required interaction in a course then they may be administratively dropped from the course at the instructor’s discretion.

Religious Accommodation Policy

Absences for any sincerely held religious belief, observance or practice will be accommodated where reasonable.  Please refer to for details.

Final Exam Regulations

A detailed list of regulations related to final exams can be found at

Incomplete Policy

The grade of I may be awarded only at the end of a term, when all but a minor portion of the course work has been satisfactorily completed. The grade of I is not to be awarded in place of a failing grade or when the student is expected to repeat the course; in such a case, a grade other than must be assigned.  Students should make arrangements with the instructor to receive an incomplete grade before the end of the term. Please refer to for further details.

Withdrawal Policy

Specific information related to the withdrawal policy can be found on the web site.

Reporting Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct

At the Eller College our values and beliefs are deeply rooted in ethics and honesty, and we take pride in our pursuit of knowledge and our reputation for promoting integrity.

To affirm this commitment, the Eller College has established Eller GoodCat Reporting, at, which gives our students the power to report questionable activities, expose improper conduct or express concerns. We encourage you to report any occurrences of cheating, plagiarism, or academic fraud.

Online Collaboration/Netiquette

In Eller Undergraduate Online courses, you will primarily communicate with instructors and peers virtually through a variety of tools such as discussion forums, email, and web conferencing. The following guidelines will enable everyone in the course to participate and collaborate in a productive, safe environment.

  • Be professional, courteous, and respectful as you would in a physical classroom.
  • Online communication lacks the nonverbal cues that provide much of the meaning and nuances in face-to-face conversations. Choose your words carefully, phrase your sentences clearly, and stay on topic.
  • It is expected that students may disagree with the research presented or the opinions of their fellow classmates. To disagree is fine but, to disparage others’ views is unacceptable. All comments should be kept civil and thoughtful. Remember that this course abides by university policies regarding disruptive behavior: Violations of the instructors’ copyright violate the Code of Academic Integrity and may result in course sanctions.
  • Compose your messages and posts in a word processing tool, and check your spelling and grammar before submitting your post / email.

Students who are uncooperative, rude, abusive to a TA, instructor, staff members, or other students, whether in class or outside class, will be penalized.

Threatening Behavior by Students

The University seeks to promote a safe environment where students and employees may participate in the educational process without compromising their health, safety, or welfare. The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Student Code of Conduct, ABOR Policy 5-308, prohibits threats of physical harm to any member of the University community, including to one’s self. Threatening behavior can harm and disrupt the University, its community, and its families.


Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy

The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. In support of this commitment, the University prohibits discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, based on a protected classification, including race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. The University encourages anyone who believes they have been the subject of discrimination to report the matter immediately as described in the section below, “Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation.” All members of the University community are responsible for participating in creating a campus environment free from all forms of prohibited discrimination and for cooperating with University officials who investigate allegations of policy violations.


Content Warning Statement

Although we do not anticipate that Eller courses will address topics requiring a content warning, we encourage you to contact the instructor during the semester to discuss any concerns you may have relating to the class content, as alternative materials may be available.

“Elective Name” and “Pronoun Usage” Statement

At Eller, we believe that it is vitally important for us to create an educational environment of inclusion and mutual respect. Eller courses support elective gender pronoun use and self-identification; rosters indicating such choices will be updated throughout the semester, upon student request.

Statement of Copyrighted Materials

All lecture notes, lectures, study guides and other course materials disseminated by the instructor to the students, whether in class or online, are original materials and reflect intellectual property of the instructor or author of those works. All readings, study guides, lecture notes and handouts are intended for individual use by students. You may not distribute or reproduce these materials for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the instructor.

Students who sell or distribute these materials for any use other than their own are in violation of the University’s Intellectual Property Policy.

Violations of the instructors’ copyright violate the Code of Academic Integrity and may result in course sanctions.


Technology Requirements and Technical Support

Please ensure that your equipment and Internet connection meet the criteria specified at

Information on how to contact technical support is available at and

Workload and Course Requirements

Workload and Course Requirements are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor with proper notice to the students. 

Privacy Policies and Guidelines

Information on privacy policies and guidelines is located at


The instructor reserves the right to revise the syllabus as necessary. This includes, but is not limited to correction of typographical errors, factual errors, omissions, or other material included herein as needed to correctly reflect the requirements of the course.