Nathan Podsakoff Receives KOLD and Casino del Sol Heart and Sol Award

Nathan Podsakoff, Stephen Robbins Professor of Management and Organizations in the Eller College of Management, was featured in a KOLD clip as the recipient of the latest Arizona Heart and Sol award.
This award is given out every week by KOLD and Casino del Sol to recognize people who are making the community a better place.
Podsakoff is receiving this award after he and his Spring 2022 Evening MBA cohort raised more than $40,000 to donate to the Southern Arizona Make-A-Wish foundation.
Over the last five years, Podsakoff and his class have been able to grant 18 wishes to children in the Southern Arizona community.
“Knowing that we’ve helped 18 children have a wish fulfilled is something that is more about life than it is about business,” says Podsakoff.
Podsakoff joined the Eller College of Management in 2007 after earning his PhD in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources from the University of Florida. His areas of expertise include employee citizenship and prosocial behavior, organizational stress, leadership, scholarly impact in the field of management and research methods in organizational research. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.