Eller Faculty Research Video: Preeti Choudhary, Materiality

One main research topic of interest to Preeti Choudhary, associate professor of accounting in the Eller College of Management, is materiality—the idea of investigating “What is a large number for a specific company?”
In class, Choudhary discusses problems with interpreting financial statements. Her research gives insight about why errors find their way into financial reports. “This is important because ultimately, decision making is only going to be as good as the reliable information it’s based on,” says Choudhary.
Choudhary joined the Eller College of Management as associate professor in 2017. Previously, she was assistant professor at Georgetown University. She earned her PhD in Accounting from Duke University in 2008. Prior to academia, she worked as an internal auditor for The Washington Post and in enterprise risk services with Deloitte. Her research focuses on capital markets financial accounting, financial reporting for taxes, recognition versus disclosure and financial reporting reliability.