Hammond Featured in AZPM

George Hammond, Director of the Economic Business Research Center and Research Professor in the Eller College of Management, was recently featured in AZPM speaking about Southern Arizona’s—specifically Tucson’s—economy.
"Tucson, I think, is going to continue to be resilient, even if the national economy falls into a modest downturn,” he says. “I think Tucson will come through that in better shape. We may see significantly slowed job growth if the national economy falls into recession, but Tucson is well positioned to grow–especially if the national economy continues to grow.”
Hammond directs the Economic and Business Research Center in the Eller College of Management. The Center is a leader in the digital delivery of information on the Arizona economy. Visit Arizona's Economy online magazine, the MAP Dashboard, the Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators, and download the Arizona's Economy smartphone app.
A specialist in econometric forecasting for more than two decades, Hammond has designed, built and used economic models to produce more than 100 forecasts for state and local economies and completed more than 50 regional economic studies on topics including economic and workforce development, energy forecasting and the impact of higher education on human capital accumulation.
These forecasts and reports reach thousands of business leaders, policymakers and citizens each year through conferences, public presentations, publications, EBRC’s websites and social and traditional media. Hammond is a frequent contributor to local and national news services. His analysis and commentary have been featured on NBC Nightly News, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Bloomberg Businessweek and The New York Times.
In addition to directing EBRC and spearheading EBRC’s Forecasting Project, Hammond is also a research professor with academic research interests focusing on the determinants of local economic growth in the U.S., the impact of state and local policies on economic growth and the contribution of higher education to local workforce development.