Internship Spotlight: Camryn Magers, Cariboo Wealth Advisors

man posing next to woman

Camryn Magers '25 BSBA (Business Economics & MIS) was a Wealth Management and Financial Planning Intern at Cariboo Wealth Advisors in Spokane, WA.


Did you have any other challenges you were surprised by this summer (or as you prepared for the summer?)

I would say that my largest challenge was to find work to do during slow times or times where my bosses were busy. I was able to overcome this with my technical skills I had learned in Eller, attempting to change, monitor, or report certain areas of the company through Excel and other programs.


What was the process for getting this internship, job, or summer experience?

I emailed the company in February, looking for a late chance at an internship. I had a phone conversation and an interview over Microsoft teams.


What was your favorite part of the experience?

My favorite part of the experience was the community and friendly environment. Everyone was very friendly and helpful, while also allowing me to work without being micromanaged.


What advice do you have for future students with a similar interest?

It is never too late to try to get an internship/change what your current plan is. Reaching out makes a good impression and is highly successful.


Anything else you’d like to share about the experience?

I have been offered and accepted the opportunity to continue working remotely for the company during the school year.