Pilot to Professional: Reyna Atwell '25 MBA/MSF

Reyna Atwell

When Reyna Atwell ’25 MBA, received a letter from the Eller College of Management offering her a fully-funded MBA opportunity, she thought it might be a scam. Now, as she approaches graduation with both an MBA and a Master of Science in Finance, that unexpected letter has proven to be a pivotal moment in her journey from commercial pilot to business professional. 

"I called to inquire about the program and it all checked out," Atwell recalls. "I figured I'd apply and the worst that could happen was that I didn't get in." That decision marked the beginning of a transformative educational experience that has equipped her with a diverse set of skills spanning both the technical and interpersonal realms of business.

Atwell's path to Eller was anything but conventional. After completing her undergraduate studies in Psychology and Italian Studies at the University of Arizona in 2020, she pursued her passion for aviation in Texas, earning multiple pilot certifications and eventually working as a Second-in-Command on a Citation Excel Jet for medevac operations. Her role involved flying transplant organs across the U.S. for life-saving operations, an experience she describes as "tremendously rewarding."

At Eller, Atwell has distinguished herself as a leader among her peers, having served as the president of the Full-Time MBA Student Association and currently representing graduate students on various committees. 

"Eller has equipped me with numerous hard and soft skills that will be transferable to just about any professional career." 

Her involvement in the Eller community extends beyond leadership roles—she has worked as a graduate assistant across multiple departments, gaining valuable experience working with faculty and administration.

Her dual degree journey hasn't been without its challenges. Coming from a background that wasn't focused on numbers, Atwell found herself tested by the rigorous finance coursework. "Numbers and math have never been my strong suit," she says. "But if you can say you're ahead of where you started, that's a great feat in itself that should be celebrated."

That perseverance paid off. Through Eller's graduate professional development team, Atwell secured an internship with Bank of America's Global Operations Summer Development Program, which led to a full-time offer upon graduation. 

Eller faculty members have also played a big role in Atwell's career development—particularly Marisa Michaels, whose Business Communications course helped her overcome public speaking anxiety, and Mariam Hawatmeh, the Full-Time MBA program director, for creating a supportive and transparent learning environment.

"Eller has equipped me with numerous hard and soft skills that will be transferable to just about any professional career," Atwell reflects. Her advice to incoming students emphasizes the importance of exploring diverse interests and building meaningful connections. "Try things that you'll enjoy learning about," she suggests, noting that her own "unconventional" mix of studies has served her well.

Looking ahead, Atwell plans to pursue a certification in Project Management while maintaining her connection to aviation by continuing to build flight time. She hasn't ruled out continuing her higher-education path either, demonstrating the lifelong learning mindset that Eller has helped cultivate.

As she prepares to graduate, Atwell's journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of business education and the opportunities that can arise from being open to unexpected opportunities.