One Year MBA Program Overview, Curriculum and Courses

Program Overview, Curriculum and Courses


What You'll Learn

You will earn 39 units in this targeted business curriculum with hands-on learning that fast-tracks your career preparation. This accelerated program is perfect for driven professionals ready to level up and make an immediate impact in their field.

  • Core Business Mastery: Intensive coursework in finance, accounting, marketing, economics, operations and management prepares you for business leadership .
  • Effective Business Communications: Learn critical communication skills, explore the impact of communication strategies, and apply these skills through practical exercises.
  • Data and Analytics Training: Master in-demand skills in business analytics, information systems, and quantitative methods to support data-driven decision-making.
  • Real-World Experience: Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects and case studies, collaborating with leading companies to solve real business challenges.
  • Leadership and Career Development: Accelerate your professional growth with leadership workshops, career coaching, and valuable networking opportunities.

One-Year MBA 
Program Structure

Start in July and graduate with your degree in May

Summer Semester — Remote Format

  • Complete three (7-week) courses in Session B

Fall Semester — In-Person at Eller Main Campus

  • Complete one (16-week) course
  • Complete three (7-week) courses in Session A
  • Complete three (7-week) courses in Session B

Spring Semester — In-Person at Eller Main Campus

  • Complete one (16-week) course
  • Complete four (7-week) courses in Session A
  • Complete three (7-week) courses in Session B


1 unit

Career Management is designed to provide MBA students with the knowledge, resources, and tools needed to navigate and manage their MBA-level career search. This course applies career management theories, methods, and best practices to empower students to successfully manage their career now and in the future. Focus will be given to resume and cover letter writing, personal branding, networking, interview skills, and job search techniques.

2 units

Probability and statistical analysis; More advance random variables, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, Bayesian analysis, time series, statistical investigation.

2 units

Increasing attention to the impact of business on society has made ethics more important to organizational success than at any time in recent history. With corporate governance processes driving ethics and the emergence of a new breed of "social entrepreneurs," executives need to understand the centrality of this dimension to business. This course explores how law and stakeholder interests impact corporate social responsibility, giving participants a solid understanding of the role of ethics in management, experience managing tradeoffs in ethical decision-making and concepts for assessing social return on investment as a component of business performance.

3 units

Today's MBA candidates face an exciting and challenging job market with a need to focus their professional energies as soon as they enter graduate school. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article (9/22/04), the top four attributes desired by recruiters are (1) communication and interpersonal skills, (2) the ability to work well within a team, (3) personal ethics and integrity, and (4) analytical and problem-solving skills. Regardless of a student's "dream job" after graduation the strategies for enhancing these skills, especially the soft \"people skills,\" are critical additions to the Eller M.B.A.'s portfolio of knowledge.

2 units

This course provides an introduction to the financial accounting and reporting process from a user's perspective. This course focuses on fundamental accounting concepts and principles. You will learn how economic transactions of an enterprise are reported in the financial statements and related disclosures. The goals of the course are to provide you with a basic set of skills that can be used to understand and analyze financial statements.

2 units

Microeconomic theory and applications for business management decision making.

2 units

Development of business strategies to promote the competitive performance of firms.

2 units

provides students with an overview of the basic concepts and analytical techniques employed in corporate finance. The goal of this class is to provide a solid foundation in the fundamentals of finance enabling students to pursue further study in any area of finance.

2 units

This course focuses on the skills you will need to effectively lead and manage an organization. Our class may be different from other courses you may have encountered. We will take a decidedly experiential and applied approach to examining this topic. Our goal in this course is to learn how to translate theories into more specific competencies that will improve your ability to lead and manage groups and teams. We will feel successful if you walk away at the end of the semester with some usable skills that you can apply throughout your organizational lives.

2 units

Market and customer analysis for product service, price, promotion and distribution decisions; study of marketing management theories and practices to maximize customer value and satisfaction.

3 units

*can be taken in the Fall

3 units

Small teams of students work in consultation with a faculty member to finalize scope, plan, and execute a project for an organization to deliver value to them.

2 units

The purpose of this course is to build upon the theoretical knowledge, concepts, and analytical techniques of finance learned in FIN 510A. The focus will be on application of principles applied to case work using Excel spreadsheets. The goal of this class is to enable students to be fully prepared for summer internships.

2 units

The real-world principles, tactics, and strategies for managing information technology in for profit and not-for-profit enterprises are explored from an executive perspective.

2 units

Explores concepts and best practices for bringing very new technologies and innovations to the marketplace. Uses team projects based in the sciences (e.g., biotech, optics, IT) to assess market opportunities and create strategies for commercialization.

3 units

*can be taken in the Fall

2 units

The primary emphasis of this course is the preparation and use of accounting information to aid in planning and controlling operations and making non-routine decisions concerned with formulating major plans and policy

2 units

Organizations use their operations to achieve their strategic objectives. While operations can be diverse, they have characteristics in common. This course focuses on those common attributes. The class will focus on managing processes, inventory, supply chain management, and the integration of operations with strategic issues.

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Customize Your Experience 

At Eller, we offer two flexible ways to tailor your MBA to fit your goals. No matter which path you choose, you’ll graduate with a competitive edge, ready to lead in your industry.

Choose a Concentration

Enhance your MBA by selecting one of six specialized concentrations. With just one additional elective, you can deepen your expertise in:

  • Accounting
  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Healthcare Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing

Pursue a Dual Degree

Expand your opportunities with an additional year of study to earn a dual degree. Shared coursework provides a strong business foundation and specialized expertise in your chosen field. Dual degree options include:

  • Master of Science in Accounting
  • Master of Science in Business Analytics
  • Master of Science in Finance
  • Master of Science in Management Information Systems
  • Master of Science in Marketing