Eller MBA Takes Second at National Collegiate Sales Competition

First-year Eller MBA student Adam Tank took 2nd place in the graduate division of the National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC) held at Kennesaw State University March 28-31, 2014.
According to the competition website, the NCSC is a one-of-a-kind role-play competition that hosts the best sales students from the most elite university sales programs in the world. The event includes a live tournament-style student sales role-play competition, networking opportunities, and a sales-exclusive career fair. The mission of the NCSC is “to promote the sales profession as an honorable and viable career option for college graduates.”
The 2014 NCSC hosted over 65 undergraduate teams (130+ students) and 8 graduate teams (16 students). This year, graduate contestants were tasked with selling a mobile payroll processing solution, Run, created by ADP – the primary business sponsor for NCSC this year. Graduate students were required to role-play as ADP employees calling on customers in the field, and competed in three separate rounds. Each round came with its own set of difficulties and judging criteria. This year, the University of Arizona was represented by Tank and fellow 1st year MBA student Matt McCleish. The two competed both individually and as a team.
“The competition began very humbly 15 years ago with only 13 universities … the NCSC has grown exponentially into an event with more than 65 of the strongest university sales programs in the country as well as programs from Canada and Belgium,” said Dr. Terry Loe, Director of the NCSC.
“It was an honor to represent the University of Arizona at the 2014 NCSC,” stated Tank. “I hope we have started a sales tradition that will become an important part of Eller’s programming. This was an incredibly valuable experience.”