Eller Executive Education Dean Quoted on Women and "Innovation Intensity" in Newsmax

Joe Carella, assistant dean for executive education in the Eller College of Management, is quoted on “innovation intensity” as it relates to women in leadership positions in a September 24 article in Newsmax.
The article discusses the need for greater diversity—and particularly women—at the executive levels of companies. “Women bring a unique and fresh perspective, and enhance a company’s performance, while significantly increasing net margins,” it says.
According to Carella, women in top management roles experience innovation intensity, which empowers the company’s performance. For example, Carella notes that managerial teams led by women produce 20 percent more patents than teams led by men.
As director of Eller Executive Education, Carella is passionate about building executive and managerial talent and developing insight that can drive better business outcomes for leaders and their organizations. He has more than 20 years of experience in helping executives and corporations in managing change and developing successful business strategies, and has published in Harvard Business Review, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal on the challenges of leadership and sustainable growth strategies.