Oliver Schilke

McClelland Hall 405GG
1130 E. Helen St.
P.O. Box 210108
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Areas of Expertise
Oliver Schilke joined the Eller College of Management in 2014 after earning his PhD in Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He also had the opportunity to spend two years as a research fellow at Stanford University’s Department of Sociology. Schilke’s research interests can be summarized along the following three dimensions: at a theoretical level, he studies micro-institutional processes such as trust, routines, and legitimacy; at a substantive level, his research addresses inter-organizational relationships, R&D, and entrepreneurship; and at a methodological level, he utilizes experiments, surveys, and large archival data sets.
Areas of Expertise
- Trust
- Organizational routines/capabilities
- Institutional theory
- Social cognition
- Collaborations (including strategic alliances)
Recent Journal Publications
- Evans, Jon, and Oliver Schilke. Forthcoming. "Power framing and the exploration-exploitation dilemma." Organization Science.
- Piezunka, Henning, and Oliver Schilke. Forthcoming. "The dual function of organizational structure: aggregating and shaping individuals' votes." Organization Science.
- Lumineau, Fabrice, Oliver Schilke, and Wenqian Wang. 2023. "Organizational trust in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: shifts in the nature, production, and targets of trust." Journal of Management Inquiry, 32(1), 21-34.
- Reimann, Martin, Christoph Hüller, Oliver Schilke, and Karen S. Cook. 2022. "Impression management attenuates the effect of ability on trust in economic exchange." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(30), e2118548119.
- Krishnan, Rekha, Karen S. Cook, Rajiv Kozhikode, & Oliver Schilke. 2021. "An interaction ritual theory of social resource exchange: evidence from a Silicon Valley accelerator." Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(3), 659-710.
- Schilke, Oliver, Martin Reimann, & Karen S. Cook. 2021. "Trust in social relations." Annual Review of Sociology, 47, 239-259.
- Yoo, Taeyoung, Oliver Schilke, & Reinhard Bachmann. 2021. "Neither acquiescence nor defiance: Tuscan wineries' 'flexible reactivity' to the Italian government's quality regulation system." British Journal of Sociology, 72(5), 1430-1447.
- Haack, Patrick, Oliver Schilke, & Lynne G. Zucker. 2021. "Legitimacy revisited: disentangling propriety, validity, and consensus." Journal of Management Studies, 58(3), 749-781.
- Lumineau, Fabrice, Wenqian Wang, & Oliver Schilke. 2021. "Blockchain governance—a new way of organizing collaborations?" Organization Science, 32(2), 500-521.
- Zucker, Lynne G., & Oliver Schilke. 2020. "Towards a theory of micro-institutional processes: forgotten roots, links to social-psychological research, and new ideas." Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 65B, 371-389.
- Schilke, Oliver, & Han Jiang. 2019. "Embeddedness across governance modes: is there a link between pre-merger alliances and divestitures?" Academy of Management Discoveries, 2019, 5(2), 1-15.
- Schilke, Oliver, & Gabriel Rossman. 2018. "It's only wrong if it's transactional: moral perceptions of obfuscated exchange." American Sociological Review, 83(6), 1079-1107.
- Schilke, Oliver, & Laura Huang. 2018. "Worthy of trust? How brief interpersonal contact affects trust accuracy." Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(11), 1181-1197.
- Schilke, Oliver. 2018. "A micro-institutional inquiry into resistance to environmental pressures." Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 1431-1466.
- Schilke, Oliver, & Fabrice Lumineau. 2018. "The double-edged effect of contracts on alliance performance." Journal of Management, 44(7), 2827-2858.
- Schilke, Oliver, Songcui Hu, & Constance Helfat. 2018. "Quo vadis, dynamic capabilities? A content-analytic review of the current state of knowledge and recommendations for future research.” Academy of Management Annals, 12(1), 390-439.
- Reimann, Martin, Oliver Schilke, & Karen S. Cook. 2017. "Trust is heritable, whereas distrust is not." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(27), 7007-7012.
- Schilke, Oliver, Gunnar Wiedenfels, Malte Brettel, & Lynne G. Zucker. 2017. "Interorganizational trust production contingent on product and performance uncertainty." Socio- Economic Review, 15(2), 307-330.
- Schilke, Oliver, Martin Reimann, & Karen S. Cook. 2015. "Power decreases trust in social exchange." Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 112(42), 12950-12955.
- Schilke, Oliver, & Karen S. Cook. 2015. "Sources of alliance partner trustworthiness: integrating calculative and relational perspectives." Strategic Management Journal, 36 (2), 276–297.
- Schilke, Oliver. 2014. "Second-order dynamic capabilities: how do they matter?" Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(4), 368-380.
- Rossman, Gabriel, & Oliver Schilke. 2014. "Close, but no cigar: the bimodal rewards to prize-seeking." American Sociological Review, 79(1), 86-108.
- Schilke, Oliver. 2014. "On the contingent value of dynamic capabilities for competitive advantage: the nonlinear moderating effect of environmental dynamism." Strategic Management Journal, 35(2), 179-203.
- Schilke, Oliver, Martin Reimann, & Karen S. Cook. 2013. "Effect of relationship experience on trust recovery following a breach." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(38), 15236-15241.
- Schilke, Oliver, & Karen S. Cook. 2013. "A cross-level process theory of trust development in interorganizational relationships." Strategic Organization, 11(3), 281-303.
Awards and Honors
- External Affiliate, Stanford University, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, 2023-Present
- Dean's Research Award, Eller College of Management, 2021
- Most Novel Paper, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Behavioral Strategy Track, 2021
- CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2020
- Ascendant Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management, 2020
- Emerging Scholar Award, Strategic Management Society, 2019
- Choice Award for Outstanding Faculty, Eller College Dean’s Council, 2018
- Habilitation, RWTH Aachen University, 2017
- Citation of Excellence Award, Emerald Group Publishing, 2017
- Highly Commended Award, 2015 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards, 2016
- Runner-up, Louis R. Pondy Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2015
- One of the Best Papers, OMT Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2015
- One of the Best Papers, BPS Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2011
- Best Paper of the Conference, 2011 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2011
- Best Marketing Strategy Paper, 2009 American Marketing Association Summer Conference, 2009
- Best Research Method Paper, 2009 American Marketing Association Winter Conference, 2009
- Best Research Method Paper, 2008 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2008
- Best Sales Management Paper, 2008 American Marketing Association Winter Conference, 2008
- Distinguished Student Paper, Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting, 2007
- Thesis Distinction "summa cum laude," Witten/Herdecke University, 2007
- Best Paper of the Conference, Fourth Annual International Business and Economy Conference, 2005
- Organization Science, Special Issue Editor, Editorial Board
- Academy of Management Journal, Editorial Board
- Academy of Management Perspectives, Editorial Board
- Journal of Management, Editorial Board
- Journal of Trust Research, Editorial Board
- Social Network Mechanisms (An Oxford University Press Book Series), Editorial Board
- Strategic Organization, Editorial Board
- PhD in Sociology, UCLA, 2014
- MA in Sociology, UCLA, 2010
- PhD in Management (Dr. rer. pol.), Witten Herdecke University, 2007
- MSc in Management (Diplom-Kaufmann), HHL–Leipzig Graduate School of Management, 2003